Migrate the Sense360 repositoryThese steps explain how to migrate from Sense360 repository to Medallia repository. For more information, see Add the Android SDK.Remove the reference to the Sense360 repository from your projectDepending on your project structure, remove this code snippet from the repositories section of your top-level build.gradle or settings.gradle: maven { url "s3://sense360-public-repo/android" credentials(AwsCredentials) { accessKey "AKIAIBIPQGTLX6YKOYEA" secretKey "[SECRET_KEY_PROVIDED_BY_SENSE360]" } } Add this Medallia repository maven { url "https://repository.medallia.com/artifactory/sense360-android-sdk/" }Remove the old Sense360 library from the dependencies section of your app-level build.gradleimplementation ("com.sense360:sense360-quinoa:$sense360_sdk_version"){ exclude group: 'org.json', module: 'json' } Add this Medallia dependencyimplementation ("com.medallia:sense360-android-sdk:$sense360_sdk_version"){ exclude group: 'org.json', module: 'json' } You have migrated the Sense360 repository to the Medallia repository.