
To improve website experiences for users, Digital Experience Analytics can be integrated with Mindful. This integration allows users to trigger Mindful callback widgets based on defined behaviours and ensures contact center agents are provided with context to gain insight into the issues users are experiencing.

Important: To use Mindful, you need to have Digital Experience Analytics Real-time configured for your account. See your Digital Experience Analytics expert for additional details.

To integrate Digital Experience Analytics with Mindful, complete the following steps:

  1. On the navigation bar, select Connect. Then select Configure Data Connectors.

    Configure Data Connectors.

  2. Select the Actioning tab. Then select Mindful in the available menu.

    Actioning tab.

  3. Select the Mindful Integration Enabled checkbox. The following options will appear:
    • Widget Type — If you select Embed, enter a Variable Name. If you select Modal, enter a Modal ID.

    • Behaviour — Select a behaviour that will trigger action.

    • Pages — Select one or multiple pages. These pages will be used to to activate Mindful during data collection.

    • Send Session Replay Link, Send Current Real-time DXS, Send Current Real-time Pillars, Send the Trigger for the Callback — Optionally, select these checkboxes to send information to Mindful.

      Click Save.

      Mindful options.

  4. Now that the integration is enabled, open Mindful and select the Digital tab and then User Data Sets in the right panel. Click Edit for the specific widget for which you want to enable Mindful, then click Add New Key.

    User Data Sets in Mindful.

    Enter a Key Name and a Default Value and click Save.

    Add User Data Key in Mindful.

    If configured, the following user data sets send specific information to Mindful:
    • x-dxa-session-url — Sends session URL.

    • x-dxa-dxs — Sends DXS.

    • x-dxa-es, x-dxa-fxs, x-dxa-txs — Sends DXS Pillar scores.

    • x-dxa-behaviour — Sends behaviour that triggered the widget.

    • x-dxa-trigger — Sends trigger that triggered the widget.