Jira integration

Integrating Digital Experience Analytics with Jira allows for Jira tickets to be automatically created based on technical issues occurring on your website as defined by alerts that you configure.

As an example, a manager in charge of the checkout flow for an ecommerce site needs to notify the technical team if more than 50% of end users are experiencing a JavaScript error on the payment page. Currently, this requires that the manager check email multiple times per day to ensure that alerts have not been triggered. The manager would like this to be automated so that there is no delay in issues being raised in instances where the manager is not available.

To integrate Digital Experience Analytics with Jira, complete the following steps:

  1. On the navigation bar, select Connect. Then select Configure Data Connectors.

    Configure Data Connectors.

  2. Select the Communications tab. Then select Jira in the available menu.

    Communication tab.

  3. Select the Jira Integration Enabled checkbox. The following options will appear:
    • Host — Host name of the Jira integration.

    • User Email — Email address associated with your Jira account.

    • API Token — User profile token to send messages using the API (this is provided by Jira).

    • Project — Jira project with which to integrate. Only one Jira project can be tied to your Digital Experience Analytics property.

      Enter details and click Save.

      Jira options.

  4. Now that the integration is enabled, you can configure the alert that will trigger a Jira ticket. To do this, select Define, then Create in the Alerts section.

    Create a new alert.

  5. Enter details for the new alert. See Alerts for details about the available options. To configure the Jira alert, scroll to the bottom of the Alerts page and select the Send to Jira checkbox in the Create Jira tile. Then select an issue type from the dropdown. Click Save Alert.

    Create Jira.

    When the alert triggers, a Jira ticket, such as the following example, will be automatically created in your team's instance.

Jira integration example.