Amazon S3

The Amazon S3 data stream enables DXA to deliver session and pageview data to an Amazon S3 bucket every night.

Required user policies

The following IAM user policies must be created in Amazon S3 to enable the data stream:

  • s3:ListBucket
  • s3:PutObject
  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:DeleteObject
  • s3:HeadBucket

Configuring the Amazon S3 data stream

To enable the Amazon S3 data stream:

  1. On the navigation bar, go to Connect > Data Streams > Configure Data Streams > Cloud Storage > Amazon S3.Amazon S3 data stream

  2. Under Amazon S3, select Amazon S3 Integration Enabled.

The following settings appear:

Data type

Select the type of experience data you want to deliver to Amazon S3 every night. The following options are available:

  • Session — Delivers all session data from the past 24 hours
  • Page — Delivers all pageview data from the past 24 hours
  • All — Delivers all session and pageview data from the past 24 hours
Schema versionSelect a schema to define the data fields available in the session and pageview data sets to be delivered to Amazon S3.
Note: Learn more: Web Schema v7
Custom pageview fields If necessary, select additional pageview data fields to use alongside the data fields defined in the selected Schema version.
Custom session fieldsIf necessary, select additional session data fields to use alongside the data fields defined in the selected Schema version.
Output typeSelect the file type to export session or pageview data for delivery to Amazon S3.
FrequencySelect how frequently DXA exports data to the Amazon S3 bucket.
Export hourSelect the hour to export session or pageview data every day.
Export period

Select the period to export session or pageview data from. The following periods are available:

  • Previous 24 Hours — Exports session or pageview data from the 24 hours up to the hour selected in Export hour
  • Previous Day — Exports session or pageview data from the hours of 00:00 to 23:59 the previous day
Timezone identifierSelect your timezone.
Output filename

Enter a filename to give exported session or pageview data.

Use one of the following uppercase character combinations to provide a variable date convention:

  • YYYY — Year, four digits
    • Example: 2021
  • YY — Year, two digits
    • Example: 21
  • MMM — Month, three letters
    • Example: Jan
  • MM — Month, two digits
    • Example: 01
  • FFF — Month, in full
    • Example: January
  • DDD — Day of week, 3 letters
    • Example: Mon
  • DD — Day of month, two digits
    • Example: 31
  • LLL — Day of week, in full
    • Example: Monday
  • HH — Hour, two digits (00-23)
    • Example: 21
  • II — Minute, two digits (00-59)
    • Example: 57
  • SS — Second, two digits (00-59)
    • Example: 37
  • EEE — Time zone, three letters
    • Example: GMT
  • CCC — Date and time, ISO 8601
    • Example: 2024-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
  • RRR — Date and time, RFC 2822
    • Thu,_21_Dec_2021_16:01:07_+0200
  • AAA — Date and time, Atom
    • Example: 2015-08-22T15:52:01+00:00
  • OOO — Date and time, cookie
    • Example: Monday,_15-Aug2019_15:52:01_UTC
Use temporary filename

If necessary, select this option to send session or pageview data to a temporary TMP file until the export process completes.

This setting is recommended for high-traffic properties.
Note: You must create the s3:DeleteObject IAM user policy in Amazon S3 to use this setting.
ZIP files to ArchiveIf necessary, select this option to deliver session or pageview data to Amazon S3 in one ZIP file instead of 24 individual files for each hour of the day.
ZIP Archive filename

If you selected ZIP files to Archive, enter the filename to give the ZIP file.

Use one of the following uppercase character combinations to provide a variable date convention:

  • YYYY — Year, four digits
    • Example: 2021
  • YY — Year, two digits
    • Example: 21
  • MMM — Month, three letters
    • Example: Jan
  • MM — Month, two digits
    • Example: 01
  • FFF — Month, in full
    • Example: January
  • DDD — Day of week, 3 letters
    • Example: Mon
  • DD — Day of month, two digits
    • Example: 31
  • LLL — Day of week, in full
    • Example: Monday
  • HH — Hour, two digits (00-23)
    • Example: 21
  • II — Minute, two digits (00-59)
    • Example: 57
  • SS — Second, two digits (00-59)
    • Example: 37
  • EEE — Time zone, three letters
    • Example: GMT
  • CCC — Date and time, ISO 8601
    • Example: 2024-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
  • RRR — Date and time, RFC 2822
    • Thu,_21_Dec_2021_16:01:07_+0200
  • AAA — Date and time, Atom
    • Example: 2015-08-22T15:52:01+00:00
  • OOO — Date and time, cookie
    • Example: Monday,_15-Aug2019_15:52:01_UTC
Date for the archive filename

If you selected ZIP files to Archive, select a date convention to use in the ZIP file name. The following options are available:

  • Date zip file is created — Date used in the filename reflects when the ZIP file was created
  • Date of earliest included data — Date used in the filename reflects the date of the earliest item of data in the ZIP file
Archive encodingIf you selected ZIP files to Archive, select the encoding type to use for the ZIP file.
Amazon S3 Integration Enabled Select this option to view all settings and integrate Amazon S3 with Decibel.
Access KeyEnter the Amazon S3 access key.
Secret KeyEnter the Amazon S3 secret key.
BucketEnter the name of the Amazon S3 bucket.
RegionEnter the name of the Amazon S3 region.

To save changes and integrate with DXA, click Save.