Tracked Event Integration Methods
DXA JavaScript API call
Enabling DXA JavaScript API call
When adding or editing a tracked event, in the Integration method dropdown menu, select Decibel JavaScript API call.
Implementing the tracked event integration code
On the navigation bar, go to Define > Tracked Events > View.
The tracked event settings screen appears.
On the tracked event settings screen table, in the Actions column, click Show integration code for the tracked event you want to implement.
The tracked event integration code appears in a text box.
Copy the tracked event integration code.
Implement the integration code using a tag manager or directly in the page code.
The tracked event is implemented.
Adding value to a tracked event
JavaScript on-click event
Enabling JavaScript on-click event
When adding or editing a tracked event, in the Integration method dropdown menu, select JavaScript On-click Event.
The Selector text box and
search button appear.
In the Selector text box, point to the UI element you want to implement the tracked event on. The following options are available:Note: The Selector text box has a 200-character limit.
Manually enter a selector.
the search button to select a UI element
For more information on using the Selector text box to populate the UI element you want to implement the tracked event on, see the sections below.
Manually entering a selector
In the Selector text box, enter a selector. For example,
#checkout or div.product > .addToBasket
. -
Click Save Tracked Event.
The tracked event will be triggered when a visitor interacts with the selected UI element.
Selecting a UI element with the search button
- Ensure the page with the UI element you want to integrate the tracked event on is available as a tab on the same browser you use DXA.
To the right of the Selector text box, click
the search button.
A dropdown menu appears listing names of the pages for your property currently available as tabs on your browser.
On the dropdown menu, click the name of the page you want to trigger the tracked event on.
The page you clicked opens in a new tab on the browser.
On the recently opened page, hover over the UI element you want to trigger the tracked event on.
In the image below, the element hovered over has the
ID h2.title
. The element title is contained within parentheses. -
Click the element you're hovering over.
The element HTML appears in the Selector text box. The element ID is the final entry in the text.
Click Save Tracked Event.
The tracked event will be triggered when a visitor interacts with the selected UI element.
Add rules to trigger tracked events when specific conditions are detected.