Survey Form 2.0
Survey form 2.0 is fast, lightweight, accessible, and optimized for performance. This section introduces the features of survey form 2.0, how to preview current surveys using survey form 2.0, and how to migrate a property.
Introducing survey form 2.0
Survey form 2.0 is a brand new version of the forms used by Medallia Digital surveys, designed from the ground up with a focus on speed, performance and accessibility.
The new form presents a fresh, modern UI which is based on the latest technology stacks, providing:
A faster form experience than ever before
Fewer network calls (23 calls vs 44 calls)
Network transfer size is smaller (664 KB vs 936 KB)
Reduced size of overall resources (1.3 MB vs 4.1 MB)
WCAG 2.1 Level AA Compliance
Before updating a property, we recommend all users preview some of their published surveys using survey form 2.0 to check they are compatible. Updating to survey form 2.0 is a self-service operation for the entire property. It is not possible to do a partial upgrade. See Updating to survey form 2.0.
On properties using custom CSS, new custom CSS is required because the structure required has changed. Before updating, see previewing custom CSS for any such surveys to verify they are compatible.
The following video explains the features and how to upgrade a property.
Previewing a survey with survey form 2.0
On a property which has not updated to survey form 2.0, the Preview app provides the New survey form option to switch between displaying the survey using the upgraded new survey form, or the old form.
Set New survey form to on and the page reloads with survey form 2.0. This does not change any published forms and provides a preview of how forms are displayed using new survey before you upgrade.
Set New survey form to off and the page shows the survey preview with the old form.
The New survey form option is only available before updating the property to survey form 2.0, once you update a property the option is no longer displayed.
If the property does not use custom CSS, see Updating to survey form 2.0. If the property has any surveys that are using custom CSS, to use survey form 2.0 a new custom CSS is required. Preview supports assigning a secondary custom CSS to surveys. This must be previewed and verified before proceeding with the update, see Using a different Custom CSS file.
Using a different Custom CSS file
The new survey form supports using a custom CSS file to modify the look of the form in the same way as the old form, but the CSS is not compatible between versions. To ensure accessibility and scalability, only customizations available in the Custom CSS Guide are supported.
Before updating a property using custom CSS to survey form 2.0:
Review the new CSS documentation at Custom CSS Guide.
Based on existing CSS requirements, create custom CSS for survey form 2.0.
Host the CSS somewhere and use the preview functionality for testing.
Once your new custom CSS file is ready, to test it with survey form 2.0, set it as the secondary CSS file:
In Digital Control Center, navigate to Form Settings and open the Form Design tab.
Under Custom CSS for New Form Testing the new Custom CSS URL option specifies the CSS file used for previewing survey form 2.0.
Depending on your property setup, use one of the following methods to add your new CSS file:
URL - provide the URL where the new CSS file is stored. This the default behavior. The URL must be an HTTPS address, and the CSS is validated.
Upload CSS - If CSS Upload is enabled, use the Upload button to select a CSS file to upload to this survey.reusable resources
If the reusable resources library is active, select one of the CSS files available in your resources library.
Contact your Digital Expert if you wish to use either the File Upload, or Resource Library.
Updating to survey form 2.0
Only Digital Administrators can update a property to survey form 2.0. Before updating, be aware that:
The update is at the property level. All surveys are upgraded to survey form 2.0 at the same time. A property cannot have a mix of form versions.
For Dynamic Hybrid Hosting properties, to update to survey form 2.0 you need to create and deploy a package prior to the upgrade. This does not cause Freeze mode and you can continue working in the system.
Upgrading to survey form 2.0 re-saves all surveys, which also updates the Modified Date of all surveys.
When applying custom CSS, the original custom CSS needs to be saved in case of a rollback. Note the value of the original custom CSS file before updating.
Properties that have upgraded to survey form 2.0 do not use the new design in the survey editor. Published forms do use survey form 2.0.
To update all surveys to survey form 2.0:
- Restriction: This feature is inactive by default. Ask your Medallia expert to file a Feature activation request with Medallia Support.
Log in as a Digital Administrator. The Upgrade now banner is displayed at the top of the screen.
Click on the Upgrade now button, and the New Survey Form Bulk upgrade modal opens:
Select which CSS styling is applied to the surveys during the update to survey form 2.0. The available options are:-
New default visual style (No custom CSS) upgrades the surveys to survey form 2.0 without applying any custom CSS. Any modifications that were made using the Digital Command Center using the standard form display options, such as button color, still apply after the upgrade.
Use Custom CSS: New Survey Form Testing lets you use the custom CSS that was set in the New Form Testing option for all surveys and automatically apply it to the surveys as the main CSS during the upgrade.
Insert custom CSS upgrades all of the surveys in the property using a single custom CSS file that you provide now during the update.Note: This option reflects the CSS upload configuration set for your property: URL, Upload CSS or Resources Library.
To proceed, click Upgrade now.
During the upgrade process the screen and user interaction will be blocked while the update is applied. When the update is complete, the success modal opens.
When you close the Success modal, all surveys have been updated to survey form 2.0. A successful update results in these changes:
- The Custom CSS URL option is removed from the Digital Command Center.
- The New survey form switch is removed from the preview screen.
In the unlikely event that the upgrade fails for more than 10% of the surveys in a property, the upgrade is rolled back and the surveys continue using the original form. If this occurs please contact your Medallia Digital expert for further assistance.