Medallia Digital Mobile SDK 4.4.0 (Android)
Released starting 26th March 2024
Digital SDK supports these operating systems:
Android 9 or later. See In-App for Android Setup for additional information.
Apache Cordova
React Native
Release highlights
The Flutter plug in is now available for general release.
The Medallia Video support is now available for general release.
You can now limit the maximum input length of the "Text-Area" field.
You can now upgrade to survey drafts, a new way to manage your experience programs. Use survey drafts to introduce a two-staged approach to survey management, where each survey has a draft version and a published version. Plan program changes without the risk of editing live published surveys or the need to rely on a test instance.
For increased governance of your experience programs, enable the optional approver role to limit the survey draft publishing capabilities to specific users. This introduces role-based access control for Digital publishing, reducing the risk of unauthorized changes to your live experience program.
Resolved issues
It is now possible to add to the allow list links that include URLs in the format of
in addition tomailto://
Bug fixes on the limit text-area length capability.
Fixes for very old surveys using translations.
Feedback record with a Medallia Video record that has reached the maximum video length now properly appears in Experience Cloud.
Emojis are now counted properly as characters in text-input fields.
In some cases due to a special configuration in the client application such as
, the re-creation of the Form Activity could result in an incorrect state caused by the OS.Setting a custom parameter without defining it in the Digital Command Center is no longer possible.