Medallia Digital Mobile SDK 4.5.0 (Android)
Released starting 4th June 2024
Android 9 or later. See In-App for Android Setup for additional information.
Apache Cordova
React Native
Release highlights
The app ratings configuration modal has been refreshed.
- Important: This feature is available upon request. Ask your Medallia expert to file a Feature activation request with Medallia Support.
You can now also enable survey drafts and approver role for app rating engagements in addition to forms.
Resolved issues
When using survey form 2.0, the "Powered by Medallia" logo is now tappable and leads to Medallia's website.
On Android properties using survey form 2.0, the preload mechanism is now not enabled.
Intercepts no longer appear multiple time in some app configurations where the user is navigating very quickly between screens.
The font name for "Thank you prompt" now appears properly in the new triggering modal.
For app ratings, the new triggering modal now targets the exact app version number and not just the first part of the version number.
For app ratings, the OS version targeting mechanism has been improved.
Android native alert invites now allow you to use lowercase letters. Note that the intercept layout is eventually determined by the end-user's version of Android as some devices display a horizontal layout and some a vertical layout.