Medallia Digital Mobile SDK 4.2.0 (Android)
Released starting 9th August 2023
Digital SDK supports these operating systems:
Android 9 or later. See In-App for Android Setup for additional information.
Apache Cordova
React Native
Release highlights
Use the new Form folders management tool to organize a property's surveys and simplify the management of your experience programs.
With Form folders you can:
- Create new folders to group surveys
- Add or move surveys to folders
- Rename folders
- Delete folders to remove content
Medallia Digital In-app now supports multiple CDN providers.
The Preview app now supports Survey Form 2.0, so you can verify that your surveys are compatible during the self-service migration process.
The SDK now supports Android 13, updating the
to 33. Older OS versions are still supported based on the Android SDK OS compliance.The SDK is now distributed through Maven in addition to the existing Jfrog repository.
This release adds support for the Flutter framework. Use Flutter as an alternative multi-platform mobile app framework to Native or React Native.
IP Addresses are no longer stored by default in the Digital Command Center.
Conditional Display now hides or shows survey fields based on multiple conditions and custom parameter evaluation, including:
Multiple conditions
Condition between pages
Custom parameters as condition
A new Has no value condition
A new Contains any of condition
A new Alchemy based user friendly UI
For more information see Advanced conditional display.
Resolved issues
For Android properties using Survey Form 2.0 the email suffix is now properly validated.
Renaming a custom parameter prevented surveys from triggering.
CHTML Forms are now supported on GovCloud properties.
App Rating quarantine now enforces that only positive numbers are entered as a value.
When a field is required, for example to complete a survey, this information is now interpreted correctly on Android devices using a screen reader.
Survey forms now open correctly on older Android devices.
Forms using a text box on Android devices now properly enforce the character limit.
The survey back arrow is now translated when a screen reader is activated with the new Survey UI.
The blocked network configuration is now updated as expected.
It was not possible to use CSS to align the Submit and Decline buttons on the survey form.
Talkback was not reading the anchor to rating questions.
TalkBack did not read non-english field components.
Important: This feature is available upon request. Ask your Medallia expert to file a Feature activation request with Medallia Support.Undefined custom parameters sent from the SDK are no longer processed as part of the feedback record. The feedback is still sent to Experience Cloud, but without any undefined custom parameters.
Android Preview app
The Preview app now functions correctly for customers using survey localization.
Accepting a survey invitation in the Preview app could occasionally result in a crash.
Landscape orientation view now works correctly.