Using Get Feedback API
Sections in this topic include the following:
Parameter descriptions
Field | Description |
page | API supports paging the results; specify which page to receive. Default is 0. |
itemsPerPage | API supports paging the results; specify how many feedback per page to return. Default is 50; maximum value is 5,000 feedback items per page. |
sortField | Field by which to sort. Supported fields are as follows:
sortOrder | ASC — ascending order
DESC — descending order (default) |
startDate | Filter results that came after this timestamp. Default is 30 days ago. |
endDate | Filter results that came before this timestamp. Default is now. |
filterURL | Filter results by submission URL. Checking URL contains this text. |
formId | Filter by specific form ID. |
deviceType | Filter by device type. Multiple device types are allowed. Possible values are as follows:
containsText | Filter by keywords. Multiple keywords are allowed. Keywords surrounded by double quotes are searched for with exact matching; keywords without quotes are searched by NLP stemming. |
country | Filter by country code. Multiple country codes are allowed. |
ruleId | Filter by predefined rule ID. |
API contracts
JSON | Description |
| resultCode is either SUCCESS or FAILURE
resultMessage on FAILURE contains error description kampyleId — specific error ID kampyleAdditionalInfo — more data that can be used describe the error (if kampyleId exists) resultObject — returns the result of the API on SUCCESS |
JSON | Description |
| startDate — start of date range selected milliseconds
endDate — end of date range selected milliseconds pageNumber — current page requested and returned pageSize — number of requested elements per page totalPages — number of total pages existing for this request numberOfElements — number of elements in this page hasPreviousPage isFirstPage hasNextPage isLastPage hasContent timestamp — the timestamp when the query was executed feedbacks — array of feedback |