Medallia Digital Web 2.54 release notes

Released starting 12th March 2024

System requirements

Digital for Web requirements

  • Digital Command Center browsers: Latest two versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.

Survey-taking requirements

  • Desktop browsers
    • Latest two versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.

    • Other browsers or older versions will likely work; however, Medallia cannot certify a full experience in browsers older than two years. Any issues will be handled on a best-effort basis.

  • Mobile browsers

    • Google Chrome: latest version

    • Android: latest version

    • Safari for iOS: latest version

  • Network connectivity requirements: Digital surveys require unobstructed network connectivity over an HTTPS connection. If your organization employs a content security policy or any other network filtering method, you might need to allow-list Medallia domains. For more information, refer to allow-list documentation or contact your Digital expert.
  • ADA / WCAG compliance: Digital Web survey form 2.0 is certified WCAG 2.1 Level AA. For the best survey experience, Medallia recommends the following screen reader and browser combinations:
    • Microsoft Windows: Mozilla Firefox + NVDA and Google Chrome + JAWS

    • Apple MacOS: Safari + Voice Over

    • Android: Google Chrome + TalkBack

    • iOS: Safari + Voice Over

    • Safari MacOS users: To enable tabbing in Safari, it is required that the Press tab to highlight each item on a webpage box, located under Safari Preferences - Advanced, is selected.


  • A warning now appears in cases where a change in the Experience Cloud side have impacted the Digital feedback and its integration. For example, a field that has been used in a field has been deleted on the Experience Cloud side.

  • Important: This feature is available upon request. Ask your Medallia expert to file a Feature activation request with Medallia Support.
    You can now upgrade to survey drafts, a new way to manage your experience programs. Use survey drafts to introduce a two-staged approach to survey management, where each survey has a draft version and a published version. Plan experience program changes without the risk of editing live published surveys or the need to rely on a test instance.

    For increased governance of your experience programs, enable the optional approver role to limit the survey draft publishing capabilities to specific users. This introduces role-based access control for Digital publishing, reducing the risk of unauthorized changes to your live experience program.

  • Survey Form 2.0 can now display a spinner until all assets, such as custom CSS, images and so on, have been downloaded. This can help prevent a flicker that could occur in such cases on slow networks.
    Restriction: This feature is inactive by default. Ask your Medallia expert to file a Feature activation request with Medallia Support.

Resolved issues

  • Survey changes no longer send printouts to the browser console.

  • You can now use both the JavaScript performance upgrade and the approved domains feature concurrently.

  • Multiple bug fixes to provide an even better and accessible survey access.

    Survey Form 2.0 now supports font customization for questions and question description.

  • Rating scale questions are now rendered properly on Microsoft Windows Chrome. The size of the rating scales is determined by the width of the screen that is displaying the form, ensuring that there's no need for a horizontal scroll within the form.

  • An empty line in the Include visitors on URL or Exclude visitors on URL options for targeting caused the survey to appear on the wrong URL. This was sometimes caused when copy and pasting URLs into the box that included a line break or a semi-colon (;) without any content.

  • Improved the integration with DXA.

  • The custom events for multi-page Survey Form 2.0 navigation are now being triggered as expected.

  • The Approved domains configuration is now updated each time a DHH package is generated.

  • Improved the survey submission custom event logic.

  • For users with macOS Sonoma and Safari version 17, desktop browsers are now properly identified for targeting and display. This fix is applied automatically to all cloud properties. DHH properties are required to deploy a new package and save all the surveys in order for this fix to take affect.

  • Custom parameters of type Boolean are now properly attached to the feedback record if the value is set to false.

  • For DHH customers, the Confirm Deployment is now properly displayed in Safari browsers.

  • The Feedback button is now removed properly when the survey is displayed in "Triangle" presentation combined with a survey with "Animated display".

  • For properties using Survey Form 2.0, the E-mail component no longer accepts addresses without a proper suffix. For example, name@company, is no longer valid.

  • The logic for updating page view now handles situations where the hosting website's overflow wasn't properly restored after a survey or an invite was closed in a way other than using the Close or Submit button.

    This change is recommended for all SPA websites.
    Restriction: This feature is inactive by default. Ask your Medallia expert to file a Feature activation request with Medallia Support.
  • If you quickly clicked Publish and then immediately Unpublish a duplicate prompt would be displayed.

  • Customers using the legacy login method no longer receive the "Access denied" message on first login and are correctly directed to the Forms screen.

  • Legacy Experience Cloud Integration SSO users with the Analyst role are now correctly redirected to the Inbox screen.

  • In some cases a horizontal scroll appeared within a survey form.