Medallia Digital Web 2.55 release notes
Released starting 27th May 2024
System requirements
Digital for Web requirements
Digital Command Center browsers: Latest two versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.
Survey-taking requirements
Desktop browsers
Latest two versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.
Other browsers or older versions will likely work; however, Medallia cannot certify a full experience in browsers older than two years. Any issues will be handled on a best-effort basis.
Mobile browsers
Google Chrome: latest version
Android: latest version
Safari for iOS: latest version
- Network connectivity requirements: Digital surveys require unobstructed network connectivity over an HTTPS connection. If your organization employs a content security policy or any other network filtering method, you might need to allow-list Medallia domains. For more information, refer to allow-list documentation or contact your Digital expert.
ADA / WCAG compliance: Digital Web survey form 2.0 is certified WCAG 2.1 Level AA. For the best survey experience, Medallia recommends the following screen reader and browser combinations:
Microsoft Windows: Mozilla Firefox + NVDA and Google Chrome + JAWS
Apple MacOS: Safari + Voice Over
Android: Google Chrome + TalkBack
iOS: Safari + Voice Over
Safari MacOS users: To enable tabbing in Safari, it is required that the Press tab to highlight each item on a webpage box, located under Safari Preferences - Advanced, is selected.
- Form 2.0 now supports rating components reflow. When the browser zoom is used, form content reflows and is presented without any loss of information or functionality. Surveys larger than 320 * 256 pixels do not require the user to scroll in two dimensions.
Note: This capability is recommended for all survey form 2.0 customers. DHH properties need to enable this capability and then deploy a new package for this functionality to take effect. Additionally when using an RTL layout the rating components align to the left while zooming in order to maintain visual cohesiveness.Restriction: This feature is inactive by default. Ask your Medallia expert to file a Feature activation request with Medallia Support.
The following capabilities are now enabled by default for all properties:
- Self Service Migration for survey forms 2.0 is now enabled for all clients. DHH clients need to deploy a new package prior to migrating using self-service. Note: Custom CSS files used in the migration process cannot include any special characters such as "+".
- Updated CSS styling of the survey form 2.0 buttons provides a more accurate calculation of the margin between these buttons.
- Advanced Conditional Display based on Custom Parameters and complex conditions.
- Approved Domains List which ensures that only approved domains are able to load the Medallia forms and runtime code, thereby increasing experience program security. Configuring the approved domains list is strongly recommended.
- Form folders.
- To improve speed, all form save actions are now asynchronous.
- SPA's targeting logic now handles "Time on page" conditions better.
- Self Service Migration for survey forms 2.0 is now enabled for all clients. DHH clients need to deploy a new package prior to migrating using self-service.
Snapshots Digital to Medallia Experience Cloud provisioning Process - Support multi tenant accounts with different BPP prefixes.
It is now possible to link Custom Parameters to Medallia Experience Cloud fields prior to turning on the V2 integration.
- Important: This feature is available upon request. Ask your Medallia expert to file a Feature activation request with Medallia Support.When using the option to delay the display of the form until the custom CSS has been downloaded, a 10 second timer has been added to allow the custom CSS to be downloaded. When enabled, the form is displayed after 10 seconds regardless of whether the custom CSS has been downloaded or not.
In the upcoming months we will roll out our new Digital analytics solutions, initially you might see additional network calls made to the Medallia backend. This is expected behavior.
Resolved issues
The auto-focus of a screen reader on pop-up window forms was not on the header of the page or the first actionable item.
When opening the feedback button using keyboard navigation, in some cases a spinner was displayed over the survey.
Customers using a single page application could encounter issues with the material based UI in some rare cases.
The latest version of VoiceOver on Safari now properly reads descriptions for text-input, text-area and e-mail components.
A survey form 2.0 that had a static width of 320px or smaller and that used the screen capture component displayed a horizontal scrollbar.
When a long placeholder was entered on a dropdown component a horizontal scrollbar was being displayed.
The targeting settings were not displaying properly on some configurations.
A horizontal scroll no longer appears when the 0-11 component was added to the form in certain form widths.
Labels now properly align to the component edges for 1-5 rating components.
Survey form 2.0 custom parameters that are picked from the URL field are no longer duplicated.
When using reusable custom parameters, renaming the custom parameter no longer impacts the Medallia Experience Cloud field name.
Custom parameters of type Boolean are now properly attached to the feedback record if the value is set to "false".
Advanced conditional display now fails gracefully when a condition becomes invalid because the question that the condition was based on has been deleted.
When using translations, adding a new alternative option in Medallia Experience Cloud without providing the appropriate translation to the default language within Digital Feedback results in an error.