API restrictions and limits

The standard API call limits are listed in this table. Note that these are not hard limits; Medallia limits the number of API calls per company to prevent unintended bugs in API client code or malicious code from taking down production systems.

APIRequests per secondRequests per minuteRequests per dayConcurrent requestsTimeout (in seconds)
Query API70N/A975,000N/A90
MQL API70N/A50,000N/A180
Speech APIN/A13,000325,0001,000180
Users API70N/A10,000N/A180
Roles API70N/A10,000N/A180
Import API: Import on concurrent processing mode1N/A1,950,0005600
Import API: Import on non-concurrent processing mode10N/A1,950,000N/A600
Feed File API: Results10N/A100,000N/A600
Feed File API: Detailed results10N/A10,000N/A600
Introspection API: All import endpoints10N/A10,000N/A600
Introspection API: Specific import endpoint10N/A10,000N/A600

When these limits are exceeded, the app or user may be throttled. API requests made by a throttled user or app will fail.

API-specific limits

The table above is not comprehensive of every API limit. Some APIs have limits that only apply to that particular API due to the unique use case it supports. Those API-specific limits are called out below.

  • Query API calls have a cost. Requests are subject to cost limits and are throttled once the 3,000,000 cost-units-per-query limit is reached.

  • MQL API — for this API, query bundling allows you to string multiple queries in one API call, and there can be, at most, 32 bundled queries per request.

  • Import API (also known as Web Feeds) — for concurrent feeds the data payload size limit is 100 MB, for non-concurrent feeds it is 1.5 GB.

  • Feed file API — detailed results show up to the first 5,000 input records per result status for an import request. Examples of result status include records successfully created, updated, or discarded.


Medallia APIs are available on GovCloud instances and have the same rate-limiting functionality as other medallia instances and data centers.

Restriction: GovCloud instances using Medallia's GovCloud Trusted Internet Connection (TIC) premium offering also support Medallia APIs, but must implement an API gateway mechanism for rate limiting. Contact your Medallia expert to implement Medallia's GovCloud Trusted Internet Connection (TIC) premium offering.

API HTTP response headers

Experience Cloud APIs will return these HTTP headers which can be used to track rate limits. For more details see IETF draft-polli-ratelimit-headers.

ParameterDescriptionSample values
X-RateLimit-LimitRequest quota associated with the client in the current time window (in seconds).10, 10;w=1, 100;w=86400
X-RateLimit-RemainingRemaining quota units associated with the client during the current time window.60
X-RateLimit-ResetTime remaining in the current window, specified in seconds, until the quota resets.10
Restriction: These rate-limit headers are not meant to support authorization or other kinds of access control.