Language-agnostic, web-based APIs for accessing Experience Cloud data

Medallia Experience Cloud APIs offers a suite of language-agnostic APIs organized around web standards that allow access to different types of resources. There are several scenarios where you can leverage the APIs to make the most out of the data.

Diagram showing how to push data into Medallia, and how to pull data out using the APIs.

  • The RESTful APIs provide inbound and outbound access to import data into the platform or to export record-level or aggregated data based on events. For details, see RESTful APIs.
  • The Query API allows you to perform real-time calculations across millions of records. The Query API supports both aggregated analytics and record-level exports. With GraphQL, you don’t need multiple requests or to several endpoints to get exactly what you need; you can query for specific data through a single endpoint. For explanations and examples about using GraphQL, start with Query API.

  • Web Feeds, also known as Import API, are more versatile than standard RESTful APIs, since a flexible ETL process can be added to validate or transform data for both inbound and outbound flows without requiring source systems to own the complexity on their end.

    • Use the Import API version 2 endpoints to track the status of your import job and generate a detailed processing report to help you design your solution during initial development and testing stages.

    • Use the Introspection API to discover all available web feeds — i.e. Import API endpoints — for an Experience Cloud instance via HTTP request, or introspect a specific web feed to see its data structure.

  • Use trigger-based webhooks (the Omni Exporter) to call external applications to send record information, and to collect requested data from the target. Omni Exporter can run immediately when records are created or updated, which is useful for synchronizing records with data stored in external systems.

  • Medallia Query Language (MQL) is an SQL-like language to query customer feedback data. Using your creativity and the External Data API, you can create specialized reports, mash Medallia satisfaction data with related financial data or operational data, and create new and compelling customer satisfaction data visualizations. See Medallia MQL API.

  • Speech API triggers audio-file processing in Medallia Speech for the purpose of creating a feedback record in Experience Cloud. See Speech API.

Medallia Experience Cloud sandbox environments support APIs and are best used for testing and initial development. Your API instances and domains will determine which endpoints to connect with, making it easy and explicit to know what environment you are working with.