Enable the JavaScript Methods
The MXO JavaScript methods are exposed through the customerAPI object. To use these methods, customize the MXO Tag code in the main MXO UI.
Option 1 (Recommended)
Attach a set of functions to the existing defaults object that simplify how your page logic interfaces with the customerApi object.
Add a function to send a login event to MXO, as follows:
Option 2
Expose the methods to your page JavaScript, by setting the customerAPI object as a global variable.
Create a new global variable, oneCustomerApi, from the customerAPI object, as follows:
window.oneCustomerAPI = customerAPI;
Trigger the methods from your page JavaScript, using, for example, window.oneCustomerApi.sendInteraction() or window.oneCustomerApi.sendProperties() as required.
All triggered events are associated with the current, identified, customer, based on their TID.