Why share customer data for analysis?

Using Dynamics Audiences sharing capabilities provides you with an easy way to analyze customer data from product.

Use Case: Download data locally for independent analysis

You may want to download customer data locally so that you can analyze that data independently of other information you hold for customers. For example, you may want to:

  • load the data into a BI tool for further comparison analysis. Medallia provides templates to help you do this.
  • check the integrity of the data (does the data include what you are expecting) before sharing it with your own external systems.

Use Case: Share data for inclusion with your own systems

You may want to share the data with your own external systems so that it forms part of your own customer data ecosystem, enabling you to analyze that data alongside the existing information you already have access to.

What does sharing customer data for analysis help me achieve?

Sharing customer data for analysis gives you access to highly relevant, contextual and behavioral information based on actual customer activity and intent. You can see how customers are interacting with your brand and use that data to:

  • create reports and visualizations in your own BI tools,
  • run statistical analysis on specific datasets, and
  • enrich the data currently available in your own external systems with the most up-to-date information product holds for your customers.

What format should I use when sharing customer data for analysis?

We recommend selecting the Data Export v8 format whenever you want to download or share customer data for analysis. This provides you with the richest source of customer data product has available, including data about both customer identifiers and attributes AND customer activity and events.

You can choose to share customer data for analysis in CSV and JSON format, but those formats only provide you with customer identifiers and attributes.