Dynamic Audiences

Dynamic Audiences lets you build engagement queries, to surface patterns of customer behavior and create intent-based audiences you can use as the basis for delivering enhanced orchestrations. By asking the right questions, you get the actionable results you need to optimize the reach of those orchestrations.

How do I create and share Dynamic Audiences?

You create a Dynamic Audience using an Engagement Query. You manage the workflow for creating and processing queries, and for sharing the resulting audiences from the Dynamic Audiences page. The main page shows a complete list of all queries you've created in your workspace.

For more information about writing queries, see Create and Manage Queries.

What information can I view on the Dynamic Audiences page?

You can view the following information on the Dynamic Audiences page:

  • Name of your query.
  • Current status of the query. One of:
    • Ready to process. The query is ready to process.
    • Modified, Ready to process. The query has been modified since the last time it was processed and is now ready to process.
    • Processing. The query is being processed.
    • Processed. Query processing is complete and there is a resulting audience.
    • Failed to Process (with warning symbol). The query was not processed successfully and produced a database error.
  • The count of customers returned by the query and the percentage change over the last time the query was run. This is the audience.
  • The number of identified journeys (which can often exceed the customer count due to multiple journeys by individual).
  • Date on which the query was last processed, successfully.
  • Name of the last person to modify the query.

TB - query list

You can also view information about the actions available to you after processing.

TB - icon view audienceAudience InsightsView audience statistics for the selected query.
TB - icon analyzeJourneysView and analyze the customer journeys for the selected query.
TB - icon share audienceShare or downloadShare audience data with an audience destination.
TB - icon result historyProcessing HistoryView a history of executions and results for the selected query.
TB - icon copy queryCopy QueryCopy the selected query.
TB - icon edit queryEdit QueryModify the selected query.
TB - icon delete queryDelete QueryDelete the selected query.