Audience Destinations

Audience Destinations let you specify the locations with which you want to share audience data. You can share audience data with:

Audience Destinations are specific to an individual Space. they are not shared between multiple Spaces. If you have multiple Spaces you must configure Audiences Destinations for each of those Spaces.

Note: Only users with the Admin or Creator role can create and manage Audience Destinations.

Deciding which customer data to share with an Audience Destination

When you configure an Audience Destination, you can decide which customer data you choose to share with your existing systems, at the individual customer attribute level. This enables you to control the amount of customer data you share. For ease of integration, you can also specify the order in which those attributes are shared. You can choose to share:

  • all attributes, or
  • specific attributes.

You can include or exclude any customer data captured at Attribute Capture Points and saved in the Customer Metadata Data Adapter.

Important: The ability to share specific customer attributes applies only if you are sharing that data in CSV or JSON format.