Engagement Insights

MXO 's Engagement Insights reports aim to provide you with an easy-to-access and quick-to-understand range of metrics that highlight different macro patterns of customer behavior. These insights answer many common questions about how customers are engaging with your brand and, more importantly, should spark deeper analysis to help you understand why your brand goals are not performing and why your customers needs are not being met. Consider Engagement Insights as complimentary to the more detailed process of Journey Analysis. Ultimately, your aim should be to achieve a balance between better understanding of your own brand goals and supporting your customer’s needs.

Why do I need Engagement Insights?

Relationships are built upon two-way communication and a mutual respect for each party’s needs. The same applies to your brand and how you use it to communicate and engage with your customers. Effective use of journey and engagement analytics can help you create an experience that fulfils your business goals while at the same time meeting your customers informational and transactional needs.

Think of it this way. Your brand has an agenda, and everyone who visits has their own agenda. In most instances, your visitor’s agenda differs from your brands and a lopsided focus on one or the other will impede your brands ultimate success. When brands define their KPI’s they focus heavily on the final goal, often ignoring customer intent and what motivates them to take the desired actions that contribute to that goal. When you are defining your goals, KPI’s, and metrics, as a brand, you need to consider not only the brands objectives, but also your customers purpose for visiting. To deliver engaging customer experiences that build loyalty and accelerate performance, as analysts, we must learn to manage this balancing act.

What information can I view for Engagement Insights?

The information you can view for Engagement Insights is split into three main categories:

  • Activity Reports. Reports on your customer activity across the channels, Touchpoints, propositions, activity types and lifecycle stages that you have configured on MXO .
  • Orchestration Reports. Insights into how customers are responding to the different actions & assets you deliver as part of your engagement efforts. You can also see how and where actions are being viewed and more importantly, how engaging they are with a brand’s customers.
  • Insights Reports. Reporting on recognition rates, customer keys, and collected attributes. We have also included a more detailed look at the types of technologies your customers are using and exposed a unique view of the levels of customer interest and intent across the propositions your brand provides.

Counts displayed on the Engagement Insights page may appear as "Blank" in the following circumstances:

  • If you have not published your configurations.
  • If you have published your configurations but there are no events available to view for the selected time period.

Which timeframes can I view information for?

You can view information about events from:

  • Yesterday
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 14 days
  • Last 28 days (especially useful as this time period includes an equal number of weekdays to avoid any skews)
  • Last 30 days
  • Last 60 days
  • Last 90 days
  • Last 12 months
  • Prior week (Last Sun to Mon)
  • Prior month (Last calendar month)
Note: All timeframes provide you with data up to midnight, yesterday.

Who can I view information about?

You can view information about all customers for whom MXO holds data. Within the reports, customers are divided into a range of different cohorts:

  • Profiles. A profile represents a unique visitor to your brand. Each profile is associated with a unique TID, assigned to a customer the first time they interact with your brand on a Touchpoint.
  • Identified Profiles. Profiles with at least one associated customer key.
  • Unidentified Profiles. Profiles without any associated customer keys.
  • New Profiles. Unique profiles created during the selected reporting time window.
  • Returning Profiles. Profiles for customers active with your brand in the preceding period who have returned and been active during the current reporting period. For example, if you select the last 30 days as report period, returning profiles identify customers active in the preceding 30 days (days 31 to 60) who have returned in this 30 day period (days 1 to 30). The opposite of New Profiles. A profile for a customer created before the selected reporting time window who has returned and interacted with your brand during the selected reporting time window.
  • Dormant Profiles. Profiles for customers active with your brand during the preceding reporting period who did not return or have any activity during the current reporting period.

Why do I see fluctuations in the number of recorded profiles?

Over time you may see very minor variations in the number of profiles recorded. This happens when MXO recognizes customers and links previously anonymous profiles together. We call this profile merging.

Profile merging happens in real-time across different Channels and Touchpoints as your customers interact with your brand, organically. As reports are generated, they are a snapshot of all your data at a particular moment in time. Next time you look at the data, there may have been several profile merges, leading to a slight fluctuation in the number of recorded profiles.

Profile Merging - Example

  1. David visits your website on Monday using his home computer. A new unidentified profile is created that tracks his activity and your profile count increases by one. We'll call this Profile A.
  2. On Tuesday, David uses his mobile to access your website. Another unidentified profile, Profile B, is generated to track his activity. MXO now has two profiles for David.As David is unrecognized by your brand at this stage, MXO is unable to link the two profiles together and reports show a profile count of two.
  3. On Wednesday morning, David signs up to your product on his mobile. A customer account is created for David and he is assigned a customer key, ABC123. Profile B is now a Recognized Profile with a unique, associated customer key, ABC123.
  4. On Wednesday evening, David uses his home computer to visit your web site again. MXO collects more activity associated with Profile A.After a short period, David logs in using his new account details. MXO captures David’s customer key, ABC123, and Profile A is immediately merged with Profile B. All of David’s activity data is merged under Profile A and our profile count reduces to one.