Zoom import
The Medallia Video Zoom integration allows you to import Zoom cloud recorded meetings into any Medallia Video channel you have access to, via the Video platform.
Zoom recommendations
These are Video recommendations for preparing to use the Video Zoom integration.
For additional information, consult Zoom best practices for conducting meetings and interviews. See Zoom's Meeting and Webinar Best Practices and Resources.
Before you get started
- Verify you have Zoom's Pro or Business plan. These plans allow you to record your meetings to the cloud and host meetings over 40 minutes in length. Note: If you use Zoom Basic (free version), you will not be able to use Video' Zoom integration. Cloud recording is not available on Basic, which is needed to facilitate the Zoom integration.
- Some Zoom accounts require that Zoom Marketplace apps be approved by the account's Zoom Admin before they can be accessed by anyone on the Zoom account. Check with your Zoom account Admin to see if this is required and to learn about your organization's Zoom app approval process. If approval is required, request your Admin approval via the Zoom App Marketplace.
- When recording the meeting, ensure participants speak clearly, that they are visible within the frame, and they have good lighting. This makes for optimal video and showreel output.
- When recording a Zoom meeting, check that you Record to the Cloud and not Record to your Computer . You must Record to the Cloud to import your Zoom meetings via Video' Zoom integration.
- Zoom does not allow Breakout Rooms to be cloud recorded. As such, you cannot import Breakout Rooms via Video' Zoom integration. Locally saved files, such as Breakout Room, can be manually uploaded to a Video channel. For more information, see Uploading media.
- Video recommends to run test sessions to make sure you are comfortable using Zoom.
Checking Zoom recording settings
Before recording meetings for Video import, check that your cloud recordings have the required settings in your Zoom account. For the list of required settings, see Zoom integration.
Log into your Zoom account and click Recordings to review your cloud recordings and settings.
Video recommends to check these additional settings.
- Under Settings > Recording > Cloud Recording — Tick which views of your meetings you want Zoom to create. You have the option to import these different meeting views into Video. Note: Recommended views are — "Record active speaker, gallery view and shared screen separately" with "Active speaker" and "Shared screen." Learn more about the different speaker views Zoom has here.
- Under Settings > Recording > Auto delete cloud recordings after days — Your Zoom account might have an auto-delete policy. If so, import your Zoom meetings to Video before the number of days set in this policy have passed.
Zoom in Video Video
See the following topics for information about using the Video Zoom integration in the Video platform: