Importing filter data
Role required: Customer Admin or Channel Admin. See Video user roles.
In a Video channel, upload metadata, such as survey data, to existing media files to use as filters. Importing filter data requires configuring and uploading a .CSV template.
Generating a filter import template
This process uses a channel's Data export .CSV file as the filter data import template.
Log into Video (see Production regions).
Navigate to the correct channel via the channel dropdown menu.
In the Media Library, click More Actions and select Data Export.
and select
On the Exports screen, find the generated Data Export. The newest export appears at the top of the export list.
- Click Download CSV for the .CSV file.
Configuring filter import template
Modify the Data export .CSV to add or edit filter data for any media item listed in the sheet.
Column D lists the video titles. Best practice is to match the video title to the corresponding data. If media was uploaded from Video Media Capture in a survey, the media title may be your respondent or panelist id if this was how the Media Capture embeddable component was configured.
Column S and all columns following contain filter data.
Match the media title to your data and populate filter data in the .CSV.
Input filter data in columns S and above.
Input one filter per column. Format is filter group:filter name, with no space on either side of the colon. See the following format examples:
Gender:FemaleImportant: Verify there are no colons in filter data aside from the colon between the filter group and filter name (for example, Age:18-25). Additional colons prevent filter data from importing correctly. Additional colons prevent filter data from importing correctly. Verify there are no commas in filter data. Commas prevent filter data from importing correctly.
If there is existing data in the filter columns, insert each new filter data in the first column to the right of the existing data. Removing filters from the overwrite any existing filters.Tip: If there are a lot of data and videos to match, consider using the Concatenate function to combine cells and get data in format (for example, Age:18-25) and the Vlookup function to look up and match data efficiently.
Before importing your files into Video, double check the format is correct.
Verify filters do not contain a colon, with the exception of the colon that separates the filter group and filter name.
Verify filters do not contain commas.
Check that the file is saved in .CSV format.
See here for an example of what a completed .CSV template should look like.
Upload the .CSV to the Video channel.
Log into Video (see Production regions).
Navigate to the correct channel via the channel dropdown menu.
Open the
menu and select
Click Data Import.
Select the .CSV file in your file explorer.
The platform displays a message when the Import template is successfully uploaded and the channel begins processing the imported data.
Confirm that all filters were imported to the channel.
Start from the channel's Media Library.
Click All Filters to extend the Filter drawer.
Verify the imported data is displayed in the Custom section.Note: Filter data may take a few minutes to process depending on the number of filters imported. Refresh the page every few minutes as needed.