Channel management

Role required: Customer Admin. See Video user roles.

Channel management facilitates manual Video channel creation. A channel is a media repository in Video. For more information and example use cases of when to create a channel, see Video channels.

Once you create a channel, manage settings and media post-processing via the Editing Channel screen.

See the following sections for additional details about channel management:

Channel Management screen

The Channel Management screen lists all channels you have permission to see. Click Settings icon and select Channel icon Channel Management to access Channel Management.

A channel management screen

Use the Search, Status, and Region options at the top of the screen to filter the list of channels.
  • Search searches the Name and Customer fields. It only returns exact matches to the search.
  • The Status menu toggles between a display of channels that are Active and Inactive. For a description of these statuses, see Available actions.
  • The Region menu toggles between channels hosted in the EU and the US data centers when using The Canadian (, Australian (, and Medallia Colo ( data centers only host one region, which is displayed in this menu.

By default, Channel Management displays the newest channel at the top of the list. Channels are listed in reverse chronological order. Use the Sort menu to display channels in chronological order by creation date.

The Channel Management screen displays the following information about channels:
  • Name — The channel name.
  • Customer — The Customer name. Customer is a label under which all customer channels are nested.
  • Region — The data center the channel is located in.
  • Created Date — Date the channel was created.
  • Status — Displays that the channel is Active or inactive (Disabled).

Click any table heading to sort the corresponding column alphabetically.

If you have access to more than 20 channels, page numbers are available in the lower right of the screen to scroll through the list of channels. Click a page number, or click < or > to select a different page.

Use the View menu to change the number channels listed per page for the duration of your session. Click the menu to select 20, 40, or 60 channels per page.

Available actions

Actions change the channel status or allow you to change the channel settings.

Edit — Edit the channel to manage Analytics module display and post-processing.

Some available actions depend on the channel status. The following statuses and associated actions are available:

  • Active — Channel is currently active. Assigned users can access the channel and its media via the channel menu in the top banner. Click Down arrow menu icon to extend the menu and select Disable Channel to deactivate the channel.
  • Disabled — Channel is currently inactive (disabled). Assigned users cannot access or view the channel via the main channel menu in the top banner. Click Down arrow menu icon to extend the menu and select Enable Channel reactivate the channel.

Creating a new channel

To create a new Video channel:

  1. Click Settings icon and select Channel icon Channel Management.

  2. On the Channel Management screen, click Create New Channel.

  3. Enter the channel Name.

  4. Select the channel Region. If using, select Europe - Ireland or United States - East. Customers using single region Video instances can only select the instance's region.

  5. Click Create. This creates the channel within the Customer group you are a Customer Admin of.

After creating a channel, you are automatically served the Channel Management screen. For information on managing channel settings, see Managing channel settings below.

Managing channel settings

Manage a channel to retrieve Media Capture credentials, set transcription processing for automated uploads, and configure the Analytics dashboard.

Access the channel editor to edit any channel you are Customer Admin of, regardless of which channel you are currently in within Video.

Access the channel editor in the following ways:

Edit Current Channel

  1. Begin from the channel you want to edit. The channel name is listed in the channels menu in the top banner.

  2. Click Settings icon and select Channel icon Channel Management to access the Channel Management screen.

  3. Click Edit Current Channel.

Edit this channel

  1. Regardless of the channel you are in, click Settings icon and select Channel icon Channel Management to access the Channel Management screen.

  2. Scroll to the channel name or type the channel name in the search field.

  3. Find the channel and click Edit.

See the following sections for settings and tasks in each tab on the Edit Channel modal window.

Tip: Best practice is to edit one tab at a time and click Save Channel. Then, return to the Editing Channel screen to make additional changes.

Configuration tab

The Configuration tab contains general information about the channel. By default, this tab displays when you open the Edit Channel modal window. It displays the following information:

Channel ID — The channel's unique identification string. This value is also available in the channel URL. Not editable.

Name — The channel name input at channel creation. Editable.

Region — The channel region selected at channel creation. Not editable.

Customer — The customer label selected at channel creation. Not editable.

Description — Blank by default. (Optional) Input a text description of a channel. The channel description is only visible on the Configuration tab.

Alias — Blank by default. This is a deprecated feature.

Enable Blurring — Inactive (grey) by default. Toggle to active (purple) to activate blurring on the channel. For more information, see Blurring.

Enable SAML — Inactive (grey) by default. Toggle to active (purple) if your organization uses a SAML configuration that defines channel and user role access. Only use to give user access to the channel as defined in your SAML configuration. Contact your Medallia expert for more information.

Settings icon Manage Custom Filters — Click to create or edit filters for the channel. For more information, see Create and edit filters.

Landing Page — Unchecked by default. If activated, a landing page is the default view of the channel and displays select media and optional custom text.

This is an example landing page:

A Medallia Video landing page with example text.

To create a landing page:

  1. From the Edit Channel modal, on the Configuration tab click the Landing Page checkbox.

  2. (Optional) Select landing page media filters:

    • Featured (contact Video Support via Medallia Knowledge Center to set up Featured media).

    • Latest Media uploaded to the channel.

    • Latest Showreels published to the channel Media Library.

  3. (Optional) Input text in the Custom Content text boxes. The first Title and Content text boxes appear on the lower left of the landing page. The second Title and Content text boxes appear on the lower right of the landing page.

  4. To remove Custom Content text from the landing page, click Delete Custom Content.

To deactivate a landing page, uncheck the Landing Page checkbox.

Click Save Channel to save changes to the channel settings.

Media Capture tab

Use the Media Capture tab to activate and manage certain Media Capture settings in a corresponding embedded Media Capture component. For general information about Media Capture, see Media Capture.

To activate Media Capture:

Tip: Start from the channel you want to activate Media Capture on before navigating to Channel Management.
  1. From the Edit Channel modal, click the Media Capture tab.

  2. Next to the API Key field, click Generate.

  3. Click Save Channel for the Media Capture configuration to persist.

To retrieve the API Key and Channel Id:

Before you begin, activate Media Capture.

  1. From the Editing Channel screen, click the Media Capture tab.

  2. Copy the API Key from the API Key field. Paste as needed.

  3. Copy the Channel Id. Paste as needed.

    1. Click the Configuration tab > highlight and copy the Channel ID value.
    2. Alternatively, if you are in channel you want Media Capture uploads to upload to, you can copy the Channel Id from your web browser URL. It is the value after

This is an example of a Channel Id in a web browser URL.

A screenshot of the media capture tab on the Edit Channel modal. A section of the web browser URL is called out, representing the Channel Id.

Media Capture expiry date

By default, the Media Capture component is set to Never expire and respondents can upload media as long as they have access to the embedded component. Set an expiry date for the component to prevent respondent uploads from that date. From the expiry date, the embedded component displays the message The option to capture media is no longer available.

To set a Media Capture expiry date:

  1. From the Media Capture Configuration tab, uncheck the Never expire checkbox.

  2. The Expiry Date field populates the current date.

  3. Click the Expiry Date field to edit the date:

    • Click the calendar icon and select an expiry date from the calendar. Or,
    • Delete the date and enter the new expiry date in format: YYYY-MM-DD
  4. Click Save Channel for the Media Capture configuration to persist.

Media Capture internationalization

The Media Capture component interface (instructional) text is available in several pre-translated languages. See Media Capture Supported interface languages.

To serve a language to respondents in the Media Capture component, activate the language in the corresponding channel. You must also set the interface language attribute in the embedded Media Capture component. By default, English is always available.

Important: You must activate an interface language in the channel in addition to setting the interface language attribute in the embedded media capture component. If the language is not set in the channel, the component displays English interface text regardless of the HTML interface language attribute set.
To activate a Media Capture interface interface language in a channel:
  1. From the Media Capture tab, click the Internationalization tab.
  2. Click Add new language to extend the menu and select a language.
  3. (Optional) Add additional languages per the steps above.
  4. Once all selected languages are listed in the Language Name table, click Save Channel for the Media Capture configuration to persist.

If you only serve the Media Capture component in only one language in a project or survey, set the default language within the Video platform. This removes the need to set the interface language attribute in the Media Capture component HTML.

  1. From the Media Capture tab, click the Internationalization tab.

  2. Click Add new language to extend the menu and select the default language.

  3. Click Make Default.

  4. Click Save Channel for the Media Capture configuration to persist.

Select Trash can icon to remove a language from the channel's Media Capture internationalization options. The exception is English, which cannot be removed.

To edit the interface language text:

Before you begin, activate the interface language(s).

  1. From the Media Capture tab, click the Internationalization tab.

  2. Find the language and click Edit icon Edit this language.

  3. Scroll to the text string and edit the text.

  4. (Optional) Edit additional languages per the steps above.

  5. Click (x) at the top right of the Edit Internationalization modal window to exit.

  6. Click Save Channel for the Media Capture configuration to persist.

Channels are set to automatically process Media Capture uploads for Machine Speech-to-Text (Machine Speech Recognition) and machine (Automatic) translation, for all supported languages.

Customer Admins can review and edit a channel's transcription and translation settings, see Auto Requests tab.

Analytics tab

Set up and configure the charts displayed on the channel's Analytics module.

By default, chart categories include the Standard filters of Media Source, Upload Source and Country.

Additional charts are available once media is uploaded to the channel, including:

Cognitive analytics charts are available once these services are activated on the channel and the channel has media uploaded:

If Facial Emotion Analytics and/or Object Recognition are included in your Medallia subscription, file a ticket with Video Support via Medallia Knowledge Center to activate all cognitive analytics on the required channel.

Note: Facial Emotion Analytics and Object Recognition incur additional cost; only request these services if they are included in your Medallia subscription. Contact your Medallia Representative for pricing and enablement information.
Charts appear on the Analytics module in the order they are selected. The first chart appears in the upper left corner. Additional charts are added from left to right, top to bottom.

To set up Analytics charts:

  1. From the Edit Channel modal window, click the Analytics tab.

  2. Select a category from the Chart Data menu.

  3. Select the chart display from the Chart Type menu. Options are: Bar, Column, Donut, Pie. The exception is Keyword and Object Recognition, which only offer Word Cloud display.

  4. Click Add Chart.

  5. (Optional) Add additional charts per the steps above.
  6. Click Save Channel.

To see how the charts display in the Analytics module, see Analytics Module display.
Note: The Analytics Add On role is required for channel users to access the configured Analytics module. See User Management.

Auto Requests tab

Auto Requests allow you to set a channel to automatically process certain media uploads for transcription, and translation if applicable, upon upload.

Auto Requests processing applies to video and audio uploads via:

By default for all supported languages, a channel is set to process uploads for Machine Speech-to-Text (Machine Speech Recognition) and machine translation (Automatic).

Auto Requests are set on an individual language basis. Select or edit auto requests for each language anticipated, such as for all languages in a mobile CaptureMe study or survey with Media Capture embedded. All video and audio uploaded to the channel via the supported methods, with the corresponding language or language code, are automatically processed for the transcription solution saved in Auto Requests.

Note: Make auto request selections before media begins uploading.
Select transcription and translation processing by language:
  1. From the Editing Channel screen, click the Auto Requests tab.

  2. Scroll to a language and click Edit.

  3. In the language Editing pane, click the Transcription menu and select a transcription solution.

    The option to process transcription for Speaker Separation appears if it is available for the language and transcription solution. For more information, see Speaker separation.
    Important: Human transcription incurs additional cost if these services are not included in a Medallia Video subscription. Contact your Medallia representative if you have questions.
  4. For non-English media, click the Translation menu and select a translation solution. By default, Machine Translation (English) populates.
    Important: Human translation incurs additional cost if these services are not included in a Medallia Video subscription. Contact your Medallia representative if you have questions.
  5. Click Save to close the details pane.

  6. (Optional) Add additional languages per the steps above.

  7. Click Save Channel.

Public Links tab

The Public Links tab displays all shareable links that users generate for channel media. For more information, see Shareable links.

The Public Links tab displays the following information about shareable links:

  • Share Token — The shareable link's unique identifier. Append to the Video instance that hosts the original media to recreate the shareable link. Use the format: https://[LivingLens region]/share/video/[Share Token]

    For example:[Share Token]

  • Media ID — The original media ID displayed in the Media View URL.
  • Created By — The user that created the shareable link.
  • Created — The date the shareable link was created.
  • Expiry — The date the shareable link expires.

Deactivate a shareable link so it no longer loads the media and transcript when opened in a web browser. Click Delete to deactivate the shareable link.

When loaded in a web browser, a deactivated shareable link displays the message This media is no longer accessible.

Delete Channel

Delete a channel to permanently delete all media and data therein from Video.

Warning: ​​Once deleted, a channel and all media, transcriptions and data therein cannot be retrieved.

To delete a channel:

  1. Click Settings icon and select Channel icon Channel Management to access the Channel Management screen.

  2. Navigate to the Edit Channel modal window using either method described in the Managing channel settings section.

  3. From the Edit Channel modal window, click Delete Channel.

  4. Click Confirm.