Account settings
The My Account page displays basic information about a user, including platform internationalization settings. It is where a user connects and disconnects their Video account to a Zoom account for cloud meeting import if they have the appropriate user role.
Only an individual user can see their My Account page and can access it from any channel.
To access, click and select
My Account.
User email cannot be edited.
Editing First Name and/or Last Name
The page displays the user's first and last name if input at the time of user set-up and these fields are editable.
To add or edit first and/or last name text:
- Click the First Name or Last Name text box.
- Input or edit the text.
- Click Save.
Changing a password
Follow these steps to change your password within the Video platform.
- Click Change Password.
- Input your current password and a new password.
- Click Set Password.
Zoom connector
Role required: Customer Admin, Channel Admin, or Pro. See Video user roles.
Connect or disconnect your Video account to a Zoom Video Conference account via the My Account page. See Zoom import for further details.