Return codes

The V‑Blaze API returns HTTP codes for both successful and problematic connections. HTTP codes that can be returned are the following:

101 Network is unreachable

The call could not connect to the Voci server over the network.

This message indicates a general network problem, a problem with your system's physical connection to the network, or a change in network configuration that blocks connectivity, such as a change to your firewall settings.

104 Connection reset by peer

Like error code 503 , this return code means that no capacity is available on the server. All licensed streams on the Voci system are in use, and no ports were available to handle the request.

This is a soft problem that is usually temporary. The most common strategy for dealing with this error is to retry the call again, in time intervals of 1 second, 2 seconds, 4 seconds, and so on up to a cap of 20 seconds. If you continue to receive this error after 20 seconds, log the problem and contact

111 Connection refused

The REST API did not respond to the request.

To resolve this error:

  • If you have SSH access to your V‑Blaze server, log into your server as the user "vociadmin" and restart the V‑Blaze server by executing the command vociwebapi restart .

  • If you do not have access to your V‑Blaze server, contact for help in resolving this problem.

200 OK

Communication with the V‑Blaze server was successful. The response string returned by V‑Blaze in this case is the transcript of the audio input.

503 Service Unavailable

No capacity is available on the server. All licensed streams on the Voci system are in use, and no ports were available to handle the request.

This is a soft problem that is usually temporary. The most common strategy for dealing with this error is to retry the call again, in time intervals of 1 second, 2 seconds, 4 seconds, and so on up to a cap of 20 seconds. If you continue to receive this error after 20 seconds, log the problem and contact