Creating tags

To create a tag, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Tags from the menu on the left side of the page.

    Tags option in menu.

  2. Click New.

    Click New to create a tag.

  3. Replace 'Untitled Tag' with 'NebulaCXGA'.

    Naming new tag.

  4. Click the tag icon in the middle of the tag configuration dialog, then click Universal Analytics as the tag type.

    Universal Analytics tag type.

  5. In the Track Type dropdown, select Event.

    Track type.

  6. In each of the Category, Action, Label, and Value fields, click the grey brick icon and select the matching gaEventCategory, gaEventAction, gaEventLabel, and gaEventValue options from the list.


  7. Confirm that the tag appears.

    Completed tag information.

  8. Select the Google Analytics settings variable for your site (check with your Google Analytics administrator if you need assistance confirming this information). Or you can create a new variable by selecting New Variable from the options list and using your Google Analytics tracking ID, as follows:

    Google Analytics tracking ID.

  9. Confirm that the tag configuration is complete.

    Tag configuration complete.

  10. Scroll down to link the trigger to the tag. Then click the grey trigger icon.

    Linking new trigger to a tag.

  11. Click NebulaCXgaTriggerEvent from the list.

    Selecting the NebulaCXgaTriggerEvent from the triggers list.

  12. Click Save.

    Saving the configuration.

  13. Click Submit to publish the changes to your GTM workspace so that the new configuration will go live. Events will also appear in your GA Reports console.