Migrate SDK configuration

The Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK for Android introduces breaking configuration API changes. To migrate from Thunderhead ONE to Medallia Experience Orchestration, follow the steps below:
  1. Remove the imports of Thunderhead configuration APIs from your Application class.
    import com.thunderhead.mobile.oneConfigure
    import com.thunderhead.mobile.configuration.OneMode;
    import com.thunderhead.mobile.One;
    import com.thunderhead.mobile.configuration.OneConfiguration;
    import com.thunderhead.mobile.configuration.OneMode;
  2. Import the Medallia Experience Orchestration configuration APIs instead.
    import com.medallia.mxo.mxoConfigure
    import com.medallia.mxo.configuration.MXOMode
    import com.medallia.mxo.MedalliaMXO;
    import com.medallia.mxo.configuration.MXOConfiguration;
    import com.medallia.mxo.configuration.MXOMode;
  3. Remove the Thunderhead ONE code from the onCreate method of your Application class:
    oneConfigure {
    	siteKey = SITE_KEY
    	apiKey = API_KEY
    	sharedSecret = SHARED_SECRET
    	userId = USER_ID
    	host = URI(HOST)
    	touchpoint = URI(TOUCHPOINT)
    	mode = OneMode.USER
    final OneConfiguration oneConfiguration = new OneConfiguration.Builder()
  4. Configure the Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK for Android in User mode.
  5. Configure the Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK for Android in Admin mode.

For more information, see Configuring the MXO SDK for Android.