Migrate SDK integration

If you have previously integrated the Thunderhead ONE SDK into your app, to migrate to the Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK, follow the steps below:
  1. Remove the Thunderhead SDK dependency from your app-level build.gradle.kts or build.gradle:.
    implementation 'com.thunderhead.android:one-sdk:{SDK_VERSION}'
  2. Include the Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK dependency instead.
    dependencies {     
    dependencies {     
    	implementation 'com.medallia:mxo-android-sdk:{SDK_VERSION}'
  3. Remove the Thunderhead SDK maven repository from the repositories sections of your app-level and top-level build.gradle.kts or build.gradle:
    maven {
    	url = uri("https://thunderhead.mycloudrepo.io/public/repositories/one-sdk-android")
    maven {
    	url 'https://thunderhead.mycloudrepo.io/public/repositories/one-sdk-android'
  4. Add the Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK maven repository instead.

    We recommend to add the Medallia Experience Orchestration maven repository to the repositories section of the dependencyResolutionManagement section of your settings.gradle.kts or settings.gradle:

    maven {
    	name = "MedalliaMXO"
          	url = uri("https://repository.medallia.com/artifactory/mxo-android-sdk/")
    maven {
    	name 'MedalliaMXO'
    	url 'https://repository.medallia.com/artifactory/mxo-android-sdk/'
  5. Update Java support to version 11.
    compileOptions {
    compileOptions {
        	sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11
        	targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11
  6. Remove the Thunderhead Orchestration Plugin from your project.

    Depending on how you previously applied the Thunderhead Orchestration Plugin, remove all mentions of the 'com.thunderhead.android.orchestration-plugin' from your app-level and/or top-level build.gradle.kts or build.gradle files.

  7. Add the Medallia Experience Orchestration Plugin to your project instead.

    Follow our documentation on how to Apply the MXO Plugin to your project.

For more information, see Adding the MXO SDK to your application.