Analyze Data for a Specific Customer Cohort

When you choose to analyze data for a specific customer cohort, you are analyzing data for active profiles containing customer journey events for the time period specified in the query.

Data included in the resulting audience includes customer identifiers and attributes, and customer activity relating to customer journey events.

Customer journey events are events where the activity type captured for a customer interaction is associated with a specific lifecycle stage.

Which query type do I use when I want to analyze data for a specific cohort?

Use the discover journeys query type when you want to analyze data for a specific cohort.

What's the process for producing analytics data for a specific cohort?

The high-level process for producing analytics data for a specific cohort of customers is shown in the diagram, below:

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  1. Confirm that you want to analyze data for a specific customer cohort.
  2. Write and process your engagement query. Be sure to use the discover journeysquery type
  3. Choose Data Export v8 as your data format to ensure you have access to the richest customer data.
  4. Decide what you want to do with your data:
  • To download the data locally, select the Download destination in Dynamic Audiences.
  • To share the data with your external systems, choose a destination configured with Data Export v8 as the file format. You can choose to share that data manually or on a schedule.