Scheduler Intents

Scheduler Intents allow you to create interactive dialogues to determine a customer's needs before offering a callback via web widget.

You can use Intents to ask a series of questions that will determine the appropriate Call Target for the callback request. Customers can interact with an Intents dialogue in a single place, and they will be able to register a callback on different Call Targets based on their responses.

Add Intent

On the Intents page, the Add Intent button will allow you to create a new interactive dialogue to guide customers to the right Call Target for their specific needs. Each Intent contains a branching dialogue tree, with as many follow-up questions as you would like, to ensure that you can fully segment customers and deliver them to the appropriate Call Targets.

Note: Before you begin
  • Configure Scheduler Widget Templates for any widgets that you wish to present to customers through an Intent. See Getting started with Scheduler widgets to learn how to create Widget Templates.
  • Enable callback scheduling features for any Call Targets associated with an Intent that will offer scheduled callbacks. See How to Set up a Call Target to learn how to enable callback scheduling.
  • Consider mapping out the dialogue tree that you wish to present to customers before configuring a new Intent. This can make the configuration process more efficient when you are ready to create a new Intent.

Use the following steps to create a new Scheduler Intent with as many questions and responses as you would like.

Quick access: Scheduler > Intents

  1. On the Intents page, click Add Intent. This will open the New Intent page.image of the new intent page
  2. Name: Enter a unique name for the Intent.

  3. Description: Enter a description to help identify the Intent's purpose.

  4. Click the Step 1 label to begin configuring the first step of the Intent. Additional fields will appear directly below.

    example of a step
  5. Name: Enter a unique name to identify this step in the Mindful Callback user interface.

  6. Question/Prompt: Enter a question to present to customers. We recommend asking a question that will help to determine which agents or queue will best serve the customers' needs.

  7. Dropdown Placeholder: Enter text to be displayed for the dropdown menu that contains the potential responses. We recommend entering a prompt that will inform customers that they need to make a selection.

  8. Click Add new response option to create the first option presented to customers, then configure the additional fields that appear:

    • Response Option: Enter the text of the option to be displayed in the dropdown menu.

    • Next Step: Select the next step to be taken if a customer chooses this response option. Select Add New Step if this response will lead to a follow-up question, or select a Call Target if you would like to present the customer with a Scheduler widget at this point in the dialogue.

    example of a step with a response option
  9. If you have selected a Call Target in the Next Step dropdown menu, additional fields will appear. Configure these fields to set the parameters of the widget to be used:

    • Callback Type: Select ASAP, Scheduled, or Both.

    • Widget Template: Select an existing Scheduler Widget Template to be used. The system will automatically generate a new widget for the Intent based on the template selected here.

    • User Data Set: (Optional) Select an existing User Data Set to be applied to the widget that will be presented to the customer at this point in the dialogue.

  10. If you have selected Add New Step in the Next Step dropdown menu for any response options, repeat Steps 4-7 for each additional step in the dialogue until all possible paths through the dialogue lead to a Scheduler widget.

  11. To create additional response options for the current Step of the Intent, repeat Steps 7-9 for each response.


The following simple example illustrates an Intent designed to segment customers between a Sales team and a Customer Service team. All possible dialogue paths lead to a Scheduler widget. Even if the customer responds with No to both questions, a widget will be generated to connect the customer with an agent.

Step 1: Sales question

example of a complete step one
  • Question: Do you need assistance with a purchase?
  • Response Option 1: Yes, I need the Sales team
    • If selected, generate a widget with the Sales template.
  • Response Option 2: No, I need something else
    • If selected, move to Step 2: Service Question.

Step 2: Service question

example of a complete step two
  • Question: Do you need help with an existing order?
  • Response Option 1: Yes, I need customer service
    • If selected, generate a widget with the Customer Service template, and use the Customer Server User Data Set.
  • Response Option 2: No, it is a new order
    • If selected, generate a widget with the Sales template.

Edit Intent

On the Intents page, the Edit icon will allow you to edit the configuration of an existing Intent.

Quick access: Scheduler > Intents > Your Intent > Edit

All configurable items can be changed for any of your Intents, and the changes will take effect right away for the next customer who interacts with the Intent dialogue.

image of the edit intent page

When you are finished, click Save to save your changes. You can also click the Delete button to remove an Intent directly from the Intents page.

Embed HTML

The Embed icon opens the Embed HTML modal window and allows you to preview your Intent dialogue. The window also contains the HTML elements required for connecting the Intent to your website or mobile application.

Quick access: Scheduler > Intents > Your Intent > Embed

image of the embed H.T.M.L. modal window

Box 1 (Styling): Select the Enable default theme and styling checkbox if you would like the system to add a link to a default stylesheet into the code in Box #2, to be included in the <head> element of your HTML code. If the checkbox is deselected, you will need to apply your own CSS styling in your code.

Box 2 (Embed tags in code): This section includes three HTML elements that must be copied into the HTML code of the website on which you plan to deploy the Intent. Follow the instructions on the screen to place the three elements in the correct locations in your staging or production HTML code to serve a live Intent.

Box 3 (Preview bookmarklet): This section includes a button labeled <Your Intent> Preview that will allow you to embed a preview of the Intent directly within any webpage. This includes previewing the button on the webpage where the button will eventually live. This allows you to preview the visuals and test functionality without any changes to your existing webpage.Use the following steps to preview an Intent.
  1. Click and drag the preview button to the bookmarks bar in your web browser. You should see a new bookmark saved with the name of your Intent.
  2. Open any webpage, either locally or via the internet, on which you would like to preview the Intent.
  3. Click the saved bookmark, then click anywhere on the webpage that you would like to place the preview.
You should see the Intent preview loaded in the area of the webpage that you clicked. You can then interact with the Intent to review its styling, functionality, and dialogue steps.