Smart Rules

Explore the power of Smart Rules in automating administrative workflows and dynamically managing your Organization with over 35 adjustable settings.

Smart Rules allow you to create a complex set of conditions that will trigger changes to Call Target settings. More than 35 settings can be automatically adjusted by a Smart Rule, based on the day of the week and/or time of day. This allows for a wide range of possibilities to automate your administrative workflows and dynamically manage your Organization.

  • There is currently no limit to the number of Smart Rules that can be saved for an Organization.
  • For step-by-step instructions on configuring Smart Rules, see How to Configure Smart Rules.
image of the smart rules page

Smart Rules Example

The basic flow of a Smart Rule can be described by a simple statement: IF a specific condition is true, THEN set a specific configurable setting to a new value. This basic structure is provided by default when you create a new Smart Rule, as shown in the following image:

image of smart rule conditions

By grouping or branching the condition(s) and action(s), you can create more complex rules, such as: IF the first condition is true AND a second condition is true, OR an alternative condition is true... etc., THEN perform the first action AND the second action... etc.


The following example shows a basic use case that will slow down the callback pacing as the ECBT increases. In this example, the Smart Rule will set the value of the Max Queue Depth setting to 10 and enable callback scheduling every weekday after 4:00 PM. This rule is configured to check the conditions every five minutes, so we can expect it to trigger within five minutes after the time of day reaches 4:00 PM (in the time zone configured for the Organization)

Configurable Settings

The following table contains a list of all configurable settings that can be updated by Smart Rules.

Offer Choose Hold
Announce ECBT During Offer
Announce ECBT During Confirmation
Offer Scheduled Callback (Voice)
Offer Scheduled Callback (Widget/API)
Offer Message Intercept
Offer ASAP Callback
ECBT Playback Type
Minimum ECBT
Maximum ECBT
Enable Callback Double Check
Callback Double Check Scope
Max Requested Callbacks
Process Callbacks
Register Callbacks
Scheduled Callback
Offer Scheduled Callback Outside of Hours (Voice)
Number of Days Out to Allow Scheduling (Voice)
Offer Scheduled Callback Outside of Hours (Widget/API)
Number of Days Out to Allow Scheduling (Widget/API)
Minimum Number of Scheduling Options (Widget/API)
Callback Strategy
Prompt Customer to Confirm Callback (Agent First)
Offer Rescheduled Callback
Max Queue Time
Priority Queue Timeout (Customer First)
Max Active Calls
Minimum Callback Delay
Retry Delay
Retries per Callback
End of Day
Max Next Business Day Callback
Next Business Day Delay
Announce Time For Next Business Day Callbacks
Offer Return to Hold
Use ECBT to Determine End of Day
End of Day Fixed Time Margin
Reminder Notification
Final Attempt Notification
Success Notification