/search term parameters

Use these parameters to filter search queries to certain transcription and analytics metadata values.

Search for audio records with agent voice clarity percentage within the range of $n to $m, which are floating point values. A score closer to 1 indicates higher clarity. Low clarity is the result of poor signal, background noise, accent, or poor enunciation. For example:

Search for audio records where the emotional score of the agent's portion of the audio is $emotion. Possible values for $emotion are Improving, Negative, Positive, and Worsening. Only one agent_emotion value can be used within a single search. For example:


Search for audio records where the gender of the agent has been identified as $gender. Possible values for $gender are Female and Male. Only one agent_gender value can be used within a single search. For example:

app.name=$appname and app.$category=$score
Search for transcripts that have received the specified $score level from the analytics application $appname in the specified top- or lower-level category. To specify lower-level categories, use a full dot-separated path through the category tree. For example:

$score may be one of the following values:

  • All — Score greater than 0

  • High — Score greater than 0.66

  • Medium — Score greater than 0.33

  • Low — Score between 0 and 0.33

  • None — Score is 0


Search for audio records with client voice clarity percentage within the range of N to M, which are floating point values. A score closer to 1 indicates higher clarity. Low clarity is the result of poor signal, background noise, accent, or poor enunciation. For example:


Search for audio records where the emotional score of the client's portion of the audio is $emotion. Possible values for $emotion are Improving, Negative, Positive, and Worsening. Only one client_emotion value can be used within a single search. For example:


Search for audio records where the gender of the client has been identified as $gender. Possible values for $gender are Female and Male. Only one client_gender value can be used within a single search. For example:


Filters the request by the dates specified in the range [$start, $end]. Values for $start and $end are optional, but the hyphen between them is required.

The range specified by $start and $end may be expressed using any combination of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, expressed as YYYYMMDD[HHmmss]. Date ranges are always assumed to be positive (where $start is less than $end).

daterange filters by values in the transcript record's datetime field. Data for the datetime field is stored using the organization's time zone, which may vary by organization.

No verification is done to ensure that daterange values are correct; invalid date ranges will simply return no values. If $start is not specified, a default value of 01 January, 1900 is used. If $end is not specified, the current date is used.


Search for audio records with a diarization score of at least $score. which is a floating point value between 0 and 1. When mono (single-channel) audio has multiple speakers, diarization can separate the speakers for analysis. The diarization score identifies how completely the call was divided into individual speakers. A score of 2 means the call was not diarized. Diarization technology is not perfect, and to find calls where diarization is done well, set SCORE closer to one than to zero. The tradeoff is that fewer calls will be retrieved.


Search for audio records with duration in the range of $n to $m, where $n and $m are the minimum and maximum duration, respectively, of the audio records to be returned. Note the following:

  • The durations $n and $m can be expressed in the colon-delimited format hh:mm:ss.

  • Only the seconds (ss) value is required; hours (hh) and minutes (mm) are optional.

  • The colon delimiter is required only when specifying hours or minutes.

  • There is no limit to the numeric values of hours, minutes, or seconds.

  • Only the first value, $n, is required, along with the hyphen. A request with no value for $m returns results for all audio records with duration greater than the minimum value $n.

For example, to search for audio records with duration 30 minutes to 60 minutes, use any of the following:


Similarly, any of the following expressions would return audio records at least 10 minutes long:


Filters the request by a record's last_modified value in the range of $start to $end. Data for the last_modified field is always stored using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Values for $start and $end are optional. The range specified by $start and $end may be expressed using any combination of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, expressed as YYYYMMDD[HHmmss]. Date ranges for lastmodifiedrange are always assumed to be positive (where $start is less than $end) and expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Note: Records without a date and time value for the last_modified field are not included in results.

Search for audio records where the overall emotional score of the audio is $emotion. Possible values for $emotion are Improving, Negative, Positive, and Worsening. Only one overall_emotion value can be used within a single search. For example:


Search for audio records where the overall gender of the speakers has been identified as $gender. Possible values for $gender are Female and Male. Only one overall_gender value can be used within a single search. For example:

Search for audio records with overtalk percentages within the range of $n to $m, which are floating point values. Overtalk occurs when speakers talk over one another. A recording's overtalk percentage is the count of agent-initiated overtalk turns as a percentage of the total number of agent speaking turns. In other words, out of all of the agent’s turns, overtalk measures how many agent turns interrupted a client’s turn. An overtalk value of 1 indicates the most overtalk. For example:
Search for audio records with silence percentages within the range of $n to $m, which are floating point values. Silence is equal to all non-speech time, as a percentage of the total audio duration. If music and noise are not decoded to word-events, they are counted as silence. Calls with a silence value of 1 contain the most silence. For example:

Acceptable terms for $value vary by $field, which may be any of the following:

  • agent

  • agentid

  • client

  • file

  • requestid

  • speakers

  • tag

  • tid

  • $client_data

Acceptable terms for $client_data include any custom metdata field configured for the record's folder.

For example:


Include multiple terms in the value by using a comma-separated list. By default, multiple terms are combined with the and operator. To specify the or operator, use terms.op. For example:


Define how multiple search terms should be logically combined. Acceptable values include and and or, where and is the default operator. If and is specified, the request returns only records that match both terms. If or is specified, the request returns any record that matches either term. For example:
