Use fields to refine /search output

When specifying output=summary in a /search request, use the fields parameter to define the data fields to be included with or excluded from search results.

The following example GET request shows a /search call with multiple options specified for the fields parameter:

curl -s ",duration"

In the preceding example, the output=summary&fields=filename,duration parameters include only the filename and duration fields in search results.

The following example GET request shows how to exclude fields:

curl -s ",-agentid"

In the preceding example, the output=summary&fields=all,-agentid parameters include all (both voci and CLIENT-DATA ) fields except for agentid in search results.

When specifying values for the fields parameter using a POST request, the submitted JSON data must list fields as a JSON-formatted list, even if there is only one value, as in the following example POST request:

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"output":"summary","fields":["all","-datetime","-requestid","-diarization"]}' -X POST ''

In the preceding example, {"output":"summary","fields":["all","-datetime","-requestid","-diarization"]} is a JSON-formatted set of parameters that includes all fields, except for the excluded fields datetime , requestid , and diarization . These parameters may also be submitted in a JSON file, as in the following example:

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d @params.json -X POST ''

In the preceding example, JSON-formatted parameters are replaced with a reference to the file containing them, which in this case is named params.json . Note that using a file with cURL requires inserting the @ symbol before the filename.