JavaScript Errors

JavaScript error reporting allows you to see how many JavaScript errors your website has received over a particular time period.
Note: JavaScript Error Reporting is not available for DXA for Mobile.


To view JavaScript error reporting, on the navigation bar, go to Analyze > Technical > JavaScript Errors.JavaScript error summary

The JavaScript error summary shows you the number of errors that your website has received over the given time period, along with the number of page views that contained errors, and the error rate percentage.

You can see which errors are most common on your site by clicking Down arrow down arrow to the right of JavaScript Errors, along with which operating system and browser combination is the worst performing by clicking Down arrow down arrow to the right of Operating Systems & Browsers. This will display up to 50 of the worst performing combinations. You can then click Visitors button Visitors next to the relevant combination to see what errors were occurring, and on what lines and columns these took place, before clicking Visitors button Visitors next to the relevant error to see the sessions where these errors occurred.

You can also see which pages are the worst performing by clicking Down arrow down arrow to the right of Pages. Again, this will display up to 50 of the worst performing pages, and you can dive down to what these errors were by clicking Visitors button Visitors next to a particular page.