Revenue Impact

Revenue Impact delivers the revenue potential of individual pages on your property with an outline of the digital experience signals impacting revenue generation. For each page, Revenue Impact also considers the importance towards conversion.

How does Digital Experience Analytics calculate revenue potential?

Digital Experience Analytics (DXA) calculates revenue potential of pages from the Actual Order Value and the importance of the page for conversion. Experience issues detected on the page are then examined for their frequency and impact on conversion. DXA uses this information to identify the most important non-converted pages and the attributable financial value for the page if all experienced issues are resolved.

The main metrics used in the calculation are outlined below:
Actual Order ValueThe Actual Order Value is leveraged from DXA customer data and measured against tracked events.
Impact of experience issue on conversionDXA runs a statistical analysis on each experience issue detected on a page to test if the experience issue has a significant impact on conversion. If it does, this indicates that the experience issue occurs significantly more in non-converted sessions than in converted sessions.

For example, if an experience issue occurs on a page in most non-converted sessions, but not in any converted sessions, this indicates that the experience issue has a significant impact on conversion.

Page importance for conversionDXA measures how much more frequently visitors go to individual pages in converted sessions compared to in non-converted sessions.

For example, in an online store, visitors might go to the checkout confirmation page in all converted sessions, but not in non-converted sessions. The checkout confirmation page is, therefore, important for conversion in the online store.

Using Revenue Impact

On the DXA dashboard, go to Page with Top Potential Revenue Loss.

The five pages with the highest revenue potential are displayed based on data calculated in the last week.Revenue Impact on the dashboard
Note: To view page data from a specific domain, select the domain from the Domain dropdown. By default, data from All domains on your property are displayed.
The following insights are displayed for each page:
Revenue potential

Displays revenue the page could potentially generate after you resolve all detected experience issues contributing to non-conversion.

Page importance

Measures how much more frequently visitors go to the page in converted sessions compared to non-converted sessions. This is displayed as a percentage from -100% to 100%.

For example, 90% page importance indicates that visitors go to a page 90% more in converted sessions than in non-converted sessions. This page is highly important for conversion.

But a page with -90% page importance indicates that visitors go to the page 90% more in non-converted sessions than in converted sessions, while a page with 0% page importance indicates that visitors are equally likely to go to the page in converted and non-converted sessions. These pages are not important for conversion.

Viewing revenue potential of individual pages

In Page with Top Potential Revenue Loss, click Show more.

The following table is displayed:Revenue potential table

The following columns are displayed on the table:
PagesDisplays all pages on the selected domain(s).
Revenue potential

Displays revenue the page could potentially generate after you resolve all detected experience issues contributing to non-conversion.

Most impacting issues Displays experience issues significantly impacting conversion.
Impacting conversions

DXA runs a statistical analysis to determine if an experience issue significantly impacts conversion on the page. One of the following results is displayed:

  • Yes — An experience issue is significantly more likely to occur in non-converted sessions than in converted sessions.
  • No — There are no experience issues significantly more likely to occur in non-converted sessions than in converted sessions.
    Note: There may still be non-significant experience issues on the page. To view the impact of all experience issues detected on the page, in the Analyze column, click > Analyze.
Sessions: Non-converted

The following details are available:

  • Number of non-converted sessions which include the selected page.
  • Percentage of non-converted sessions which include the selected page out of all sessions.
Sessions: Converted

The following details are available:

  • Number of converted sessions which include the selected page.
  • Percentage of converted sessions which include the selected page out of all sessions.
Page importance

Measures how much more frequently visitors go to the page in converted sessions compared to non-converted sessions. This is displayed as a percentage from -100% to 100%.

For example, 90% page importance indicates that visitors go to a page 90% more in converted sessions than in non-converted sessions. This page is highly important for conversion.

But a page with -90% page importance indicates that visitors go to the page 90% more in non-converted sessions than in converted sessions, while a page with 0% page importance indicates that visitors are equally likely to go to the page in converted and non-converted sessions. These pages are not important for conversion.

Viewing experience issues impacting individual pages
  1. From the dashboard, in Page with Top Potential Revenue Loss, click the page name.

    Revenue Potential appears.

  2. In Revenue Potential, in the Analyze column for the page you want to view, click > More details.

The following table is displayed:Viewing experience issues impacting an individual page

The following columns are displayed on the table:


Experience issue

Displays experience issues detected on the selected page.

DXA runs a statistical analysis to determine if an experience issue significantly impacts conversion. One of the following results is displayed:

  • Yes — The experience issue is significantly more likely to occur in non-converted sessions than in converted sessions.
  • No — The experience issue is not significantly more likely to occur in non-converted sessions than in converted sessions.

Non-converted sessions

The following details are available:

  • Total number of non-converted sessions which include the experience issue.
  • Percentage of non-converted sessions on the page which include the experience issue out of all non-converted sessions.


Displays the number of experience issues detected on the page in non-converted sessions.

Session replay

To view a session replay where the experience issue was detected, click the link to the right of the relevant device type.

Session replays are ordered by issue impact, with the most significantly impacting session replays displayed first.
Note: A maximum of three session replays for each device type are displayed.