
Channels are online sources bringing traffic to a property, such as advertisements and search engines. You can use channels in segments to view sessions where users came to your website from a particular source, such as a Google search.

Channels available in DXA by default

Aol.Search engine
Ask.comSearch engine
BaiduSearch engine
DuckDuckGoSearch engine
FacebookSocial media
Google AdsAdvertising
Google SearchSearch engine
LinkedInSocial media
Microsoft BingSearch engine
TwitterSocial media
Yahoo! SearchSearch engine
YouTubeSocial media

Adding channels to a property

  1. On the navigation bar, go to Settings button settings > Property Settings > Channels and click + Add Channel.

    Add channels screen

  2. Enter a channel Name.

  3. In the Type dropdown menu, select one of the following channel types bringing traffic to the property:

    • Search Engine — Search engine result

    • Social Media — Social media content

    • Advertising — Advertisement hyperlink

    • Website — Other website content, such as a hyperlink in an article

  4. In the URLs text box, enter the channel URL, including the domain, pathname, and optional query string.
    Tip: DXA recommends using regex to capture the correct parameter. In the image below, the expression captures URLs that begin with any number of characters (.*), followed by, followed by any number of characters (.*), and ending with Summer 2021. This example has no query string.
    Adding a channel example
  5. (Optional) To add more than one URL, click +.

  6. Click Save Channel.

The channel is saved and can now be used in segments.