Conversion and Conversion Rate

A Conversion is the moment in a session where a visitor performs the intended outcome of the website or app reaching completion. For example, on a website where the intended outcome is for visitors to purchase something, the moment of conversion is when a visitor clicks the payment button.

Note: To assign significant actions in a session, such as clicking a button, with conversion ability, see Tracked Events.

The Conversion Rate is the percentage of sessions where a user converted in a selected date range. This percentage is the number of converted sessions divided by all sessions. For example, if there were 100 Sessions with 25 conversions in a month, the Conversion Rate for that month would be 25 divided by 100, or 25%.

Conversion Rate widget

To view the Conversion Rate widget, on the DXA dashboard, click Experience.

Average Order Value widget on the default dashboard

The Conversion Rate widget displays the following information:

  • The current Conversion Rate for the selected date range
    Note: To change the selected date range, on the top-left of the screen, click the date range dropdown menu. By default, this is set to Last 7 full days (excluding today).
  • A line graph showing the Conversion Rate at different points over the selected date range.

    Hover over the line graph to view the Conversion Rate at specific dates in the selected date range.