Survey management views

The survey management screen opens after logging in to Digital. At the top of the screen, search for surveys by survey name or ID in the search bar, click the view icon to switch between card and list view, or click New Form to create a new survey.

Both views show the form ID of each survey, which is used to identify a single survey and is unique to a property. The form ID is used in various scenarios, such as Targeting surveys .

Note that:

  • form IDs are automatically generated when you create a survey
  • the form ID of a survey is static and cannot be modified

Card view

Each card displays the name and type of survey, whether it has been published, and the form ID.

Card view.

Hover on a card to view a strip of actions at the bottom of the card.

Available actions in card view.

Publish/Unpublish toggle (1)
When the lever is green, the survey is live and published. Before a survey becomes live/published, a dialog opens to confirm the action.
Configure Targeting Options (2)
Opens a dialog containing settings for who is targeted by the survey. See Targeting surveys for details on setting up targeting rules.
Edit Form (3)
Opens the survey editor. See Survey editor for details on editing surveys.
Open Form Preview (4)
Opens a preview of the survey. See Preview surveys.
Duplicate/Lock/Remove (5)
Select Duplicate, Lock, or Remove (delete) from this menu to open the dialog for that specific action. Deletion cannot be undone, and deleted items cannot be retrieved later.

List view

Each line item in the list view contains details about a survey.

List view.

Type (1)
Type of trigger assigned to the survey.
Name (2)
Survey name.
Modified (3)
Date on which the survey was last modified.
Form ID (4)
Internal survey ID.
Published/Unpublished (5)
When the lever is green, the survey is live and published. Before a survey is published, a dialog opens to confirm the action.
Edit Form (6)
Opens the survey editor. See Survey editor for details on editing surveys.
Configure Targeting Options (7)
Opens a dialog containing settings for who is targeted by the survey. See Targeting surveys for details on setting up targeting rules.
Open Preview (8)
Opens a preview of the survey. See Preview surveys.
Shared context menu (9)
Select Translate, Duplicate, Lock, or Remove from this menu to open the dialog for that specific action. Deletion cannot be undone, and deleted items cannot be retrieved later.
Checkbox (10)
If selected, an action can be applied to the specific survey.
Lock icon (11)
The presence of this icon indicates that the survey is locked.