Set up Digital Health Check

To set up Digital Health Check, a Digital administrator submits a ticket to request enablement of the report. Once you have received a report ID from Medallia, a Digital administrator follows these steps to create the Digital Health Check report.

  1. In Medallia Experience Cloud go to Admin Suite. Find the Reporting section and click Web Navigation: Web Navigation in admin suite reporting menu.
  2. Find the Digital Health Check report and click Create and assign a new report.In web reporting add a new Digital Health Check report.
  3. Create a new Web Dashboard. In the report add a Web Dashboard.
  4. Add the roles which should access the new report. See Managing users in Experience Cloud for more information.Add desired roles to access the report.
  5. Add a Timeperiod Filter.

    Recommended practice is to set the time period to Last 7 Days during initial setup. Data from Digital Health Check is available from December 1, 2024 onward. Setting the time period before this date displays an error.

  6. Add the Digital Health Check Module. Adding the module. Adding the module.
  7. Copy the report ID from your support ticket into the Module Configuration. Adding the report ID.
  8. Confirm the module is working. See Report overview. Digital Health Check report with data from the last 7 days.

If the report is not working, ensure that you are using the report ID provided from your Support ticket. If your report ID is correct and the module is not displaying data, check that you have applied a Time Period filter and adjust it to Last 7 Days if it is set to a custom time period.

If your report is still not working, please update your Support ticket with details about your error.

Publish changes to make the report visible to the assigned roles and users.