Hiding buttons

To use the Button Trigger without displaying the button requires using a hidden button. Use this technique to take advantage of the built-in Digital Button Targeting rules, which load the Form for the page. You provide code to implement your own custom button or link and check the form is available before displaying the button.

To do this, the following steps are required:

  1. Implement your own custom button or link and confirm that the form is available before displaying the button. Use KAMPYLE_ONSITE_SDK.isFormLoaded(FormId) to determine whether to display your custom button.

  2. Use KAMPYLE_ONSITE_SDK.showForm(FormId) API to display the form.

Use a custom button and upload a transparent one-pixel image file. As it is very small and transparent, your visitors will not know where it is or be able to see it. To do this, click the Button Design tab in the Button Settings dialog. Select the Custom radio button, then click Upload to select a transparent image file. Click Save Changes.

Custom radio button in the Button Settings dialog.