Mask field data

Field masking is a method for hiding sensitive and personal data from users who are not authorized to see it. When an unauthorized user looks at a report or screen that contains sensitive fields, the values in those fields are either masked with two asterisks (**) for string fields or empty (for non-string fields). This allows such users the ability to access and administer Medallia Experience Cloud but not see the sensitive data.

Restriction: Masking and restrictions apply to users who do not have the View Sensitive Data permission.

Here are two example views of the same Responses List, one with data masking and the other without:

Two views of a Response list, one with data masking and one not masked

Similarly, here is two views of a Responses Form:

Two views of a Response form, one with data masking and one not masked

The feedback list below shows string-field values listed on the Unique Record ID and Property identifier columns, which are masked with two asterisks (**), while Survey ID and Response Date columns — listing the values of non-string fields — are blank:

Two views of a Feedback list with string and non-string field values, one with data masking and one not masked

Tip: Create detailed rules for masking sensitive data in Sensitive data.