Audit framework API

Restriction: This functionality is currently in Beta. During this early access period, clients in the Beta program can try out and test this feature, and provide feedback about it. This stage allows Medallia to refine the feature's design before its general availability. Be aware that functionality may change before then.

Use this API to query audit log events for a Medallia Experience Cloud instance via HTTP request to evaluate, assess, and mitigate security risks, and also to find the root cause of configuration issues.

Audit logs are essential for conducting investigations following an incident. For accountability and transparency, Medallia provides comprehensive audit logs that document user activities and system events.

Query audit events asynchronously

The audit query service allows you to query for data in an asynchronous manner. Create a request to query the audit framework with filtering capabilities. Then use the returned job id to check the job's status, cancel or resume it, and retrieve its results once completed.

Audit events

Medallia's audit framework is an engine that collects a variety of security-related events and makes them queryable via this public API.

See the list of events ingested to the audit log from Medallia Experience Cloud below:

Login module events

  • USER_LOGIN — {user} attempted to login with {method}.

  • USER_LOGOUT — {type} user {user} logout.

  • USER_SWITCH_INTO — user switched into {user}.

  • USER_SWITCH_BACK — user switched back from {user}.

Permissions module events

  • GRANT_ROLE_TO_USER — {user} was granted {role}.

  • REVOKE_ROLE_TO_USER — {user} was revoked {role}.

  • GRANT_PERMISSION_TO_ROLE — {role} was granted {permission}.

  • REVOKE_PERMISSION_TO_ROLE — {role} was revoked {permission}.

Admin commands module events

  • CMD_CENTER_COMMAND — In Cmd Center, user executed {cmd}.

  • COMMAND_CENTER_ACTION — In Command Center {action} action was performed on property {property_name}.

Internal admin SSO events

  • BIFROST_GRANT_USER — In Bifrost, {user} was granted user {environment} access to {application} in {company} in {data center} because of {reason}.

  • BIFROST_REVOKE_USER — In Bifrost, {user} was revoked user {environment} access to {application} in {company} in {data center} because of {reason}.

  • BIFROST_GRANT_MANAGER — In Bifrost, {user} was granted manager access to {application} in {company} in {data center} because of {reason}.

  • BIFROST_REVOKE_MANAGER — In Bifrost, {user} was revoked manager access to {application} in {company} in {data center} because of {reason}.

  • BIFROST_UPDATE_ROLE — In Bifrost, updated {role} for {user}.

System connections module events

  • SYSTEM_CONNECTIONS_CREATE — System connection {id} was created.

  • SYSTEM_CONNECTIONS_READ — System connection {id} was read.

  • SYSTEM_CONNECTIONS_DELETE — System connection {id} was deleted.

  • SYSTEM_CONNECTIONS_UPDATE — System connection {id} was updated.

  • SYSTEM_CONNECTIONS_LIST — System connection list operation was executed.

PGP-key management module events

  • TENANT_KEY_CHANGE — The tenant key for company {company} was changed to type {keyType}.

Changelog events

  • CHANGELOG — A {changeType} was performed on an entity of {type} in the entity {field} by an {initiator} during a {transaction}, {group} and {session}.

    • type — The type of entity affected by the change {account, translation}. This value is stored in the extra_fields value of this event.

    • field — The field that was affected by the change (or database column) (field:"", field:"translation.transtext"). This value is stored in the extra_fields value of this event.

    • changeType — The type of entity change: {deletion, creation, update}. This value is stored in the extra_fields value of this event.

    • Initiator — account, component.

      • component — Changes initiated (either directly or indirectly) by the given system component (component:"Express web").

    • group — Changes that were done as part of the change group with the given id (group:"6439"). This value is stored in the extra_fields value of this event.

    • session — Changes performed in the change session with the given id (session:"current"). This value is stored in the extra_fields value of this event.

Query API events

  • QUERY_API — A request of {type} was performed against the reporting query api with the following {parameters} and {request_context}.

    • type — GET, POST.

    • parameters — All the request parameters are stored in the extra_fields of this event.

    • request_context — All the request context as headers are stored in the extra_fields of this event.

Restriction: The audit framework keeps events for 120 days unless otherwise noted. Events older than 120 days no longer appear on the audit framework.

Restrictions and limits

The Audit query API can handle up to 10 requests per second and 10,000 requests per day.

Important: The timeout for a request is 600 seconds. The API Gateway discards any request that takes longer than that.

For security reasons, users of this API are only allowed to query events for the company in which they have access and access one at a time. You cannot query more than one company in the same request even if you have access to different instances.

Authentication and authorization

Authentication identifies who is making an API request, and authorization identifies what data the requester may access. OAuth is an industry standard for authorizing limited access to services and data. Applications must obtain a secure token that identifies the application that makes the request. The token is passed to the resource server (API server) with each API request. For more information, see Authenticate APIs with OAuth.

To use the Records API:

  1. The application must have an account.

  2. The account's role must have permission to access the API. In this case:

    1. Medallia Audit Role

  3. API access is authenticated with OAuth. To use OAuth, the application must first obtain an OAuth access token, by requesting one for the application's client ID and secret. For detailed information, see ​Authenticating APIs with OAuth​.

Each Medallia instance serves as an OAuth authorization server and issues tokens to access the Audit Framework through the API gateway.

There is a default OAuth client created in each Medallia Experience Cloud named medallia_audit_query to use for this purpose. This client is configured with the authorization code grant and through it, Experience Cloud issues an OpenID token to receive both access_token and id_token when requesting the token.

Request/response formats

Requests sent to Medallia Audit Framework API are HTTP GET and HTTP DELETE protocol. The information in the request includes:
  • A required Content-Type header field describing the content. The acceptable type is: application/json for JSON.

  • An optional Accept field tells the Records API how to format the response. The acceptable type is: application/json for JSON.

    BearerAccess tokenRequiredSee Authentication and authorization.
    api_tokenID token encoded as a JSON Web Token (JWT) with additional information about the userRequiredSee Authentication and authorization. The API validates the JWT token in this header using the OAuth token endpoint. For information about this endpoint, see Configuration screen.
    Content-TypeFormat of request dataRequiredapplication/json.
    AcceptFormat of response dataOptional application/json.
  • No other header fields are expected.

  • The request URL:

    • Always use the base instance for the company's Medallia installation.

cURL example

This curl invocation makes a request from the endpoint using the previously issued access token and including it as a "bearer" token, and the issued ID token as the "API token":

curl --location-trusted --location '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ab35805bf5d8a964b3634fa71143be' -H 'api_token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJraWQiOiJpMzk4YjlIekRkUT0iLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.ls8jn4JTgwYVbD9yC5CQmjn93pI_IyuUvZJhGxrGf0GQoxeFjVgrdfEP_cgrj-YkpY-q9UvtjCuZQxaH_emBoSy-khR2asgtDrJOBk6-D9ftZO3p3EwXVAskRfk6E-smX90ZNxuglh-CrTJapuVLGqgmyFzHAVnP2g0NEBwELVNqhpDjCGbYC5ptc5o1AID8N_FQhUGiLheLFhMqfswk--HL84S_22Es4U_ckGRr7jd-C6tCHP0uug6aTOW5JOfc6s2TfEwppm8CkGn65XLHi3qjcbY2ddIGkCTPr4yE2T4skgGIFMTrhitLjvEBPKA1sIWXLJyOGgk5LRuZQmOd3A'

Create a request to get audit events

Use this endpoint to query the audit log and find events for a given tenant and a time range.

Requests are HTTP GET protocol. The API accesses resources from a URL that follows this format to create a request to fetch audit events.

  • api-host is the server for your company's Experience Cloud instance.

  • service is audit-query-service.

  • api-version is v2.

  • endpoint is export.

Make query requests with the query parameters shown in the table below. The API supports additional parameters to filter the matching audit events. Each filter specified restricts the amount of data queried and returned (logical AND, not OR).

tenantIdUnique identifier of the tenant to whom the event is associated.StringRequired
startTimeAbsolute start time of the filter period, encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeRequiredFormat is: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
endTimeAbsolute end time of the filter period, encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeRequiredFormat is: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
f.categoryFilter using the event category name. Use it to filter security events and configuration events.StringOptionalFor example: 'security'.
f.applicationFilter using application or product name.StringOptionalFor example: 'express'.
f.usernameFilter using the username value in the event.StringOptional
f.attrNameFilter using other event metadata attributes.StringOptionalFormat is: ?f.attrName=x&f.attrVal=123.
f.attrValFilter using other event metadata attribute values.StringOptionalFormat is: ?f.attrName=x&f.attrVal=123.

Event attributes

Query parameters f.attrName and f.attrVal provide a way to filter events having some extra attributes set in them. To filter by multiple attribute names and values, send comma-separated strings for each parameter. Each attribute name and value should correlate to each other.

For example, the call below filters by both color and tenant name attributes:

GET https://instance​,tenant&f.attrVal=ivory,annabel Content-Type: application/json


When the job is successfully created, the response returns a unique UUID value. Use it to get the results of the job at a later point when the job has transitioned to the COMPLETED state. The response is a JSON object that includes:

statusStatus of the audit query job.StringValues:





jobIdUUID of the audit job. String
statusTimeAudit query job timestamp encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeFormat is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).

Sample request

GET https://instance​ Content-Type: application/json

Sample response

{ "status": "PROCESSING", "jobId": "384a79aa-f3e0-4bae-b2b5-8c512b4605bd", "statusTime": "2024-10-12T03:07:15.329132Z" }

Check the status of a job

Use this endpoint to get the current status of a previously scheduled job. Use the previously returned job id value as a path parameter.

Requests are HTTP GET protocol. The API accesses resources from a URL that follows this format to retrieve the status of a job.

  • api-host is the server for your company's Experience Cloud instance.

  • service is audit-query-service.

  • api-version is v2.

  • endpoint is export.

  • jobId identifies the audit query job whose status you are querying.


A valid success response will return the original query parameters and the status of the job.

If the job has completed successfully, the filePath parameter will indicate the path where the results are available.

If the job has erred for any reason, the failureReason parameter will provide additional information related to the exception.

idServer generated event identifier.String
jobIdUUID of the audit job.String
paramsOriginal query parameters.Parameter data object
statusStatus of the action intended by the user.StringShows whether the action intended by the user succeeded. It is useful to monitor failed authentication attempts as suspicious behavior.
filePathPath where the results are available.String
createdAtAudit query job timestamp encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeFormat is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
completedAtCompletion date timestamp encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeFormat is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
failureReasonAdditional information related to the exception.String
timestampTimestamp encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeThis element is only returned when the job could not be processed. Format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
statusHTTP error code.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be processed.
errorError description.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be processed.
pathStatus check path and query parameters.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be processed.

Sample request

GET https://instance​ Content-Type: application/json

Sample success response

{ "id": 1, "jobId": "384a79aa-f3e0-4bae-b2b5-8c512b4605bd", "params": "{\"tenantId\":\"cubedentest-be\",\"startTime\":{\"dateTime\":{\"date\":{\"year\":2024,\"month\":9,\"day\":21},\"time\":{\"hour\":0,\"minute\":0,\"second\":0,\"nano\":0}},\"offset\":{\"totalSeconds\":0},\"zone\":{\"totalSeconds\":0}},\"endTime\":{\"dateTime\":{\"date\":{\"year\":2024,\"month\":9,\"day\":30},\"time\":{\"hour\":0,\"minute\":0,\"second\":0,\"nano\":0}},\"offset\":{\"totalSeconds\":0},\"zone\":{\"totalSeconds\":0}},\"limit\":10000}", "status": "COMPLETED", "filePath": "/audit_events_log_data/tenants/cubedentest-be/2024/10/12/events-data-384a79aa-f3e0-4bae-b2b5-8c512b4605bd.json", "createdAt": "2024-10-12T03:07:15.329132Z", "completedAt": "2024-10-12T03:08:04.501308Z", "failureReason": null }

Sample error response

{ "timestamp": "2024-10-14T17:18:45.909+00:00", "status": 404, "error": "Not Found", "path": "/v2/export/status/384a79aa-f3e0-4bae-b2b5-8c512b4605bd" }

Get the job results

Use this endpoint to retrieve the results of a COMPLETED or FAILED job.

Requests are HTTP GET protocol. The API accesses resources from a URL that follows this format to retrieve the results of a job.

  • api-host is the server for your company's Experience Cloud instance.

  • service is audit-query-service.

  • api-version is v2.

  • endpoint is export.

  • jobId identifies the audit query job whose status you are querying.


When the job has successfully completed, all matching audit events are returned in the JSON Lines format with UTF-8 encoding, which is nothing but a JSON payload for each matching event delimited by a newline character. Each row represents one matching event in JSON format.

timestampEvent timestamp encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeFormat is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
dateTimeAudit event timestamp encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp. DatetimeFormat is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
eventIdUUID of the audit event identifier.String
actorIdIdentifier of the user that triggered the audit event.String
nameName of the user that triggered the audit event.StringThe name of the event is the identifier of the action itself.
categoryAudit event category name.StringFor example: 'security'.
usernameUsername of the user that triggered the audit event.String
applicationApplication or product name.StringFor example: 'express'.
tenantTenant name.StringThe tenant is usually the name of the company.
tenantIdTenant identifier.StringThe identifier is the same across instances and products. For example: "100440" for a company is the same when deployed in QA or in a production instance or across applications like Express, Digital, etc.
instanceIdInstance identifier.StringThe identifier is unique per instance. For example: "101432" is the instance containing "100440" This instanceId differs between QA and production instances and across applications.
instanceUrlInstance URL.String
attributesFields with additional properties related to the audit event.Attribute data object
Tip: JSON Lines format provides many advantages over plain JSON. For information about this format, see

Sample request

GET https://instance​ Content-Type: application/json

Sample response

{"timestamp":"2024-09-26T12:34:15.884Z","dateTime":"2024-09-26T12:34:15.884Z","eventId":"6c66d9fb-ca17-4cac-bd96-f6f025dea9d5","actorId":"","name":"cmd-center-command","category":"security","username":"_oauthClient_sre_client","application":"","tenant":"","tenantId":"","instanceId":"122047","instanceUrl":"","attributes":{"request":"ee4be5e3-ed0e-4623-97c7-db189deafce7","cmd":"groovy"}} {"timestamp":"2024-09-26T13:39:44.284Z","dateTime":"2024-09-26T13:39:44.284Z","eventId":"94c129ff-8c28-4914-82c6-0ac68feab73b","actorId":"","name":"cmd-center-command","category":"security","username":"_oauthClient_sre_client","application":"","tenant":"","tenantId":"","instanceId":"122047","instanceUrl":"","attributes":{"request":"9224515a-97c9-4955-93b1-29c7c51da4dc","cmd":"groovy"}} {"timestamp":"2024-09-27T17:19:30.472Z","dateTime":"2024-09-27T17:19:30.472Z","eventId":"bdea8dae-287d-4255-b59a-3cb6f177f391","actorId":"","name":"cmd-center-command","category":"security","username":"_oauthClient_sre_client","application":"","tenant":"","tenantId":"","instanceId":"122047","instanceUrl":"","attributes":{"request":"5a5b3cf6-b8dc-4947-a462-e9304831468d","cmd":"groovy"}}

Cancel an existing job

Existing export jobs can be canceled if they are currently in PROCESSING or PENDING state and not progressing due to any issues. Use this endpoint to cancel jobs.

Requests are HTTP GET protocol. The API accesses resources from a URL that follows this format to cancel an existing job.

  • api-host is the server for your company's Experience Cloud instance.

  • service is audit-query-service.

  • api-version is v2.

  • endpoint is export.

  • jobId identifies the audit query job whose status you are querying.


When the job has successfully completed, all matching audit events are returned in the JSON Lines format with UTF-8 encoding, which is nothing but a JSON payload for each matching event delimited by a newline character. Each row represents one matching event in JSON format.

statusStatus of the audit query job.StringValues:





jobIdUUID of the audit job. String
statusTimeAudit query job timestamp encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeFormat is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
timestampTimestamp encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeThis element is only returned when the job could not be cancelled. Format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
statusHTTP error code.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be cancelled.
errorHTTP error code description.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be cancelled.
messageError description.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be cancelled.
pathStatus check path and query parameters.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be cancelled.

Sample request

GET https://instance​ Content-Type: application/json

Sample success response

{ "status": "CANCELLED", "jobId": "52d46e4b-0b57-45d0-9ff1-eb59fbadf0d3", "statusTime": "2024-10-14T17:51:25.378508Z" }

Sample error response

{ "timestamp": "2024-10-09T15:44:40.359+00:00", "status": 400, "error": "Bad Request", "message": "Job with given ID is not pending", "path": "/v2/export/cancel/11d39530-4ff1-4ba6-848d-c8378956fb4a" }

Resume an existing job

Existing export jobs which are not already in PENDING or PROCESSING state can be resumed. Use this endpoint to resume jobs.

Requests are HTTP GET protocol. The API accesses resources from a URL that follows this format to resume an existing job.

  • api-host is the server for your company's Experience Cloud instance.

  • service is audit-query-service.

  • api-version is v2.

  • endpoint is export.

  • jobId identifies the audit query job whose status you are querying.


This will restart and schedule the job to be run with the same query parameters as the original export job.

statusStatus of the audit query job.StringValues:





jobIdUUID of the audit job. String
statusTimeAudit query job timestamp encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeFormat is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
timestampTimestamp encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeThis element is only returned when the job could not be cancelled. Format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
statusHTTP error code.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be resumed.
errorHTTP error code description.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be resumed.
messageError description.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be resumed.
pathStatus check path and query parameters.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be resumed.

Sample request

GET https://instance​ Content-Type: application/json

Sample response

{ "status": "PROCESSING", "jobId": "384a79aa-f3e0-4bae-b2b5-8c512b4605bd", "statusTime": "2024-10-14T17:51:25.378508Z" }

Sample error response — Job is not pending, failed, cancelled

{ "timestamp": "2025-01-13T17:00:09.950+00:00", "status": 400, "error": "Bad Request", "message": "Job 384a79aa-f3e0-4bae-b2b5-8c512b4605bd not pending", "path": "/v2/export/resume/384a79aa-f3e0-4bae-b2b5-8c512b4605bd" }

Delete an existing job

Existing export jobs can be deleted if they are currently in PROCESSING or PENDING state and not progressing due to any issues. Use this endpoint to delete jobs.

Requests are HTTP DELETE protocol. The API accesses resources from a URL that follows this format to delete an existing job.

  • api-host is the server for your company's Experience Cloud instance.

  • service is audit-query-service.

  • api-version is v2.

  • endpoint is export.

  • jobId identifies the audit query job whose status you are querying.


Existing export jobs which are not already in PENDING or PROCESSING state can be deleted.

statusStatus of the audit query job.StringValues:





jobIdUUID of the audit job. String
statusTimeAudit query job timestamp encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeFormat is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
timestampTimestamp encoded as a JSON string of an ISO-8601 timestamp.DatetimeThis element is only returned when the job could not be cancelled. Format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ (e.g. 2024-01-01 11:30:00-0800).
statusHTTP error code.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be deleted.
errorHTTP error code description.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be deleted.
messageError description.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be deleted.
pathStatus check path and query parameters.StringThis element is only returned when the job could not be deleted.

Sample request

DELETE https://instance​ Content-Type: application/json

Sample response

{ "status": "PROCESSING", "jobId": "384a79aa-f3e0-4bae-b2b5-8c512b4605bd", "statusTime": "2024-10-14T17:51:25.378508Z" }

Sample error response — Invalid job id

{ "timestamp": "2025-01-13T16:40:31.028+00:00", "status": 404, "error": "Not Found", "message": "Job with id: 384a79aa-f3e0-4bae-b2b5-8c512b4605bd not found", "path": "/v2/export/384a79aa-f3e0-4bae-b2b5-8c512b4605bd" }