Create an OAuth client for API access

Administrators use Medallia Setup to create an OAuth account that applications need to access APIs.

Client credentials grant

The OAuth account will have a client ID and client secret the application uses to obtain an access token necessary to access the APIs. Additionally, each application should have its own AppID account: an account not associated with a specific user.

  1. Create an account for the application.
    • Account name — Descriptive of the application.

    • Account type — Choose System

    • Enabled — Must be enabled.

    • Role — Select a role to assign to the account. The role determines the account's access privileges.

  2. Create an OAuth client account for the application.

    • Client ID — The client ID to use when making requests.

    • Client secret — The Client secret value to use when requesting access.

    • Confidential — Must be enabled.

    • Grants — Choose Client Credentials Grant (for backend services).

    • Client subject — Choose the AppID account name you created above.

  3. Provide the Client ID and Client secret to the developer implementing the application that will access the APIs.

Authorization code grant

The OAuth account will have a client ID and client secret the application uses to obtain an access token necessary to access the APIs. Additionally, each application should have its own AppID account: an account not associated with a specific user.

  1. Create an account for the application.
    • Account name — Descriptive of the application.

    • Account type — Choose System

    • Enabled — Must be enabled.

    • Role — Select a role to assign to the account. The role determines the account's access privileges.

  2. Create an OAuth client account for the application.

    • Client ID — The client ID to use when making requests.

    • Client secret — The Client secret value to use when requesting access.

    • Confidential — Must be enabled.

    • Issue Refresh Token — Must be enabled.

    • Issue OpenID Token — Must be enabled.

    • Grants — Choose Authorization code Grant (for WebApp and Mobile).

    • Redirect URIs for client — Must be configured manually. This URI is used when requesting a code to exchange for a token.

    • Client subject — Choose the AppID account name you created above.

  3. Provide the Client ID, Client secret, and the redirect URI to the developer implementing the application that will access the APIs. For information about requesting the tokens, see Request OAuth authorization (Authorization code grant).