
All of APIs listed on this page are in the com.medallia.mxo.optout package.


Enum of options available for granular control of what customer information is tracked.

public enum MXOOptInOptions {
CITY_COUNTRY_DETECTIONUse this option to track the customer's city and country using IPDetect, not the actual device location.
Note: For more information, see how to use MXO opt-in options when opting out or into tracking.


The configuration object for opting in and out of tracking.

import com.medallia.mxo.optout.MXOOptInOptions;

public class MXOLoggingConfiguration {
    	private Boolean optOut;
	private Set<MXOOptInOptions> optInOptions;

    	public MXOLoggingConfiguration(Boolean optOut, Set<MXOOptInOptions> optInOptions) {
        	this.optOut = optOut;
        	this.optInOptions = optInOptions;
optOutBooleanSet to true to opt out of tracking.
optInOptionsSet<MXOOptInOptions>Set of options that have opt in enabled.

Create an instance using the Builder as shown below:

final MXOOptOutConfiguration configuration = new MXOOptOutConfiguration.Builder()
Note: For more information, see how to opt out or into tracking.