Step 5 - Create the Relevant Actions

In MXO , create the Actions required to display the relevant Assets to customers during a personalized conversation.

For the purposes of this exercise, you will create 4 new Actions, one per asset, as follows:

Dynamic ContentProduct 1B - top bannerProduct 1B - top bannerProduct 1B
Dynamic ContentProduct 1C - top bannerProduct 1C - top bannerProduct 1C
Dynamic ContentProduct 2B - card itemProduct 2B - card itemProduct 2B
Dynamic ContentProduct 2C - card itemProduct 2C - card itemProduct 2C

To create your Actions

  1. In MXO , choose Orchestrate.
  2. Select Actions.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Select Dynamic Content as the type of action to create.
  5. Create and name your Actions, adding the specified assets and defining the associated Propositions, as described in the table above. For example:
    Mobile - Step 4 Actions example
  6. Click Save.

Once created, your Actions will appear in the main MXO UI, as follows:

Mobile - Android Step 4 Actions list