Using FROM and TO filters together, splits the full customer path into separate journeys that start and finish with the interaction contexts you specify in your query.


TB - from to query

Splitting Process

Badge 1Tag each interaction on the Web channel as a source node.
Badge 2Tag each interaction on the Assisted channel as a target node.
TB - Badge 3Start from the beginning of the full customer path and find the narrowest pairs of source and target nodes. Within these parameters, mark the source node as the start of the journey and the target node as the end.

Usage Notes

  • All journeys will contain at least two interactions, one identifying the start of the journey and the other, the end of the journey.
  • Narrowest pair means the innermost pair of source and target nodes. This ensures that each journey contains one source and one target node that are located closest to each other.

TB - from to example


In this example, you end up with three customer journeys based on the specified filter criteria.

Suggested Scenarios

Use Case 1

Initial Question

I want to know if the Action delivered to a customer led to a purchase.


FilterQuery Parameters
TOActivity Type = Purchase
discover journeys from action(id="ABC") to interaction(activity="Purchase")


  • Returns journeys containing a pair of nodes representing the Action delivered and a subsequent puchase event.
  • Journeys show only the first purchase event and do not include any other, subsequent purchases resulting from the same action being delivered.

Suggested Best Practice

  • Create a second query to find customers who received the Action but did not go on to purchase.

Use Case 2

Initial Question

I want to identify customers who required assistance when installing the mobile app.


FilterQuery Parameters
FROMActivity Type = Install mobile app
TOChannel = Assisted Activity Type = Install Issue
discover journeys from interaction(activity="Install mobile app") to interaction(channel="Assisted" activity="Install Issue")

Suggested Best Practice

  • Add a WHERE filter to this query to ensure the period of time between install attempt and required assistance is of a sensible duration. This ensures that MXO only returns journeys meeting the criteria specified for the WHERE filter.

Use Case 3

Initial Question

I want to know which interactions contribute to customers transitioning to products of a lower value than the product associated with the Action delivered.



  • Action Proposition = Gold Card


  • Proposition = Silver Card
FilterQuery Parameters
FROMAction Proposition = Gold Cards
TOProposition = Silver Cards
discover journeys from action(proposition="Gold Card") to interaction(proposition="Silver Card")


  • Journey starts with any Action associated with Gold Cards.
    • This is always the Action closest to the corresponding Silver Card interaction, because MXO looks for the narrowest pairing of corresponding start and end nodes when using FROM & TO filters, together.
    • This means that the start of the journey may not be the very first time the customer receives an Action relating to Gold Cards.