Using FROM and TO LAST filters together, returns a single journey ending with the very last instance of the TO interaction context you specify in your query and beginning with the instance of the FROM interaction context that is closest to the final target node.


FROM & TO LAST Example

Splitting Process

Badge 1Tag each interaction on the Web channel as a source node.
Badge 2Tag each interaction on the Assisted channel as a target node.
Badge 3Find the last instance of the target node and move backwards in the customer journey to find the closest source node. Within these parameters, mark the source node as the start of the journey and the target node as the end.

Usage NotesUsing FROM & TO LAST filters, together, only ever returns a single journey.

TB - from to last example


In this example, you end up with a single customer journey based on the specified filter criteria.

Suggested Scenarios

Use Case 1

Initial Questions

How effective was my last email campaign? Did it ensure customers purchased products at the heart of that campaign?


FilterQuery Parameters
FROMActivity Type = Open campaign email Proposition = ABC
TO LASTActivity Type = Purchase
discover journeys from interaction(activity="Open campaign email" proposition="ABC") to last interaction(activity="Purchase")


  • Returns a journey starting with the last instance of the Open email campaign activity and ending with the last instance of the purchase activity.
    • The journey may include multiple purchase events, prior to the last one.
  • Use the View by proposition view to see which propositions relate to those purchase events and determine if they correlate to your original campaign objectives.

Use Case 2

Initial Question

How do customers behave after agents tell them about a mobile app they can install? Do they actually install the app?


FilterQuery Parameters
FROMChannel = Assisted Activity Type = Inform about mobile app
TO LASTChannel = Mobile Activity Type = Install mobile app
discover journeys from interaction(channel="Assisted" activity="Inform about mobile app") to last interaction(channel="Mobile" activity="Install mobile app")


  • The resulting journey provides a very good idea about the effectiveness of the message conveyed by your agents and the effort your customers made to download and install the app.