Customer File

The Customer file contains information about:

  • All recognized customers who have interacted with your Touchpoints, irrespective of the time period for which the data export was generated.
  • All anonymous customers who have interacted with your Touchpoints within the time period for which the data export was generated.

File in Detail

Column NameDescriptionData Type
TIDThe customer's primary TID. For more information, see What are TIDs?Symbolic
Creation dateTimestamp of the customers first interaction.Date-Time
In Control GroupWhether or not the customer is a member of the Control Group. Either TRUE or FALSE.Boolean

Points to Note

  • There are no 'null' values. If no value is specified for a field, that field is left empty.
  • Symbolic values are parsed as string values and not quoted in the exported files.
  • Numeric values are provided as whole numbers only.
  • Date-Time values are provided:
    • in ISO-8601 format,
    • using UTC time zone,
    • to the nearest millisecond. If milliseconds are zero, they are not shown.