Activity Types Report

In MXO we use activity types to describe what our customers and users are doing. It helps us build up a picture of customer intent and, in analysis, helps us to look for opportunities to support our customer base better.

The first half of the report looks at volumes of activity. Like looking at profile trends, monitoring the volume of activities your customers are generating helps you to measure the success of your efforts. A drop in activities that is not reflected in a drop in visitors (or vice versa) means that something untoward is happening with the customers experience of your brand and requires urgent investigation.

The second half of the report lets you view what customers are trying to do with your brand. Each activity type describes what the customer is trying to achieve and helps to identify either content that is being under-utilized or a problem area that you need address. You can also view the different activities each audience (cohort) is trying to achieve, again, useful to identify engagement opportunities.

Activity - Main

Activities By...

These are volume centric views that allow your brand to understand the volumes of activities happening and where. Trend analysis is key here and you should look out for any shifts in patterns.

Activity - By

Profile Count by Activity Type

Each activity type you have configured in MXO is shown here with the volume of activity by each audience type layered across each row. This report is helpful in showing your brand what customers are trying to do when they interact. This is even more powerful when you consider this is omni-channel behavior, so for the first time you have a 360-degree view of what users want to achieve.

Activity - Profile Count


Compare the volumes of interaction for each Activity Type by the different customer audiences (cohorts).

You might presume that new customers seek help from your FAQ page less than returning ones? Is that the case?

Think about the important signals you can detect from the activity types you have configured.

If you have an Activity Type such as Read FAQ’s, you can track this to see whether or not your customers are getting enough information from your product pages.

If you have an Activity Type called How to complain, you can monitor this to identify early signals of customers in distress.

The options are endless and understanding customer intent is key to engagement. Check these reports frequently!