Editing blog permissions

You can give additional permissions to users that allow them to write or edit blog posts.

The levels of blog permissions that a user can have are:



No special permissions. User can comment on and subscribe to blog posts.

Blog contributor

No special permissions. User can comment on and subscribe to blog posts.

Blog Editor

A blog editor can write and edit blogs. They can also manage blog categories and move posts into these categories.

You change a user's blog permissions in much the same way as you change their access permissions:

  1. Go to the User Management area in the Crowd Management menu and open the Manage Users tab.

    User Management page

  2. Find the user who's blog permissions you want to change. Click on the ' Edit' drop down field and select ' Permissions' to open the Edit user permissions box.

    User record Edit dropdown has three options: Permissions (selected), Score, and Badges

  3. The second drop down field allows you to choose blog permissions, select the option that you want and click Save changes.

    Edit user permissions, Blog access option has three choices, listed in the table above