Configuring the gamification integration

Mindful Feedback allows the ability to integrate Genesys Cloud Gamification into the platform, providing an engaging agent experience while helping performance managers set goals and measure how well individuals and teams are performing. Supervisors can use this information to see who is meeting expectations, figure out any problems, and help agents improve. Agents and supervisors can see these points and measurements on scorecards and leaderboards. More information about gamification within Genesys Cloud can be found here.


Before configuring gamification, Agent Score must be enabled in the advanced section on each survey question you wish to include in gamification metrics.

Quick Access: Settings > Customer Settings > Integrations > Genesys Cloud

  • Follow the Quick Access path outlined above to get to the Genesys Cloud tab.

  • Click the Configure Genesys Cloud button in the upper right-hand corner.

  • Go to the Configure Gamification tab. If you do not have the proper permissions set up in Genesys Cloud, you will receive a message alerting you that you need to set up permissions.

    Note: To set up the necessary permissions, follow the steps below.

    Quick Access: Admin > People & Permissions > Roles/Permissions

    • In the Genesys Cloud UI, follow the Quick Access path outlined above.

    • Find the Mindful Feedback Client Credentials role (it may have a different name).

    • Click the Permissions tab.

    • In the Search field, type the word gamification.

    • From the Gamification permissions that appear, select the following permissions:

    Screen capture of gamification permissions
    • Click the Save button.

    • Return to the Mindful Feedback UI and continue with Step 4 below.

  • In the Profile drop-down menu, select the Genesys Gamification profile(s) you would like to configure. These can be found under the Performance and Engagement tab in Genesys Cloud.

  • In the Maximum Points field, enter the maximum number of points that an agent can earn per day.

  • In the Minimum Points field, enter the minimum number of points that an agent can earn per day.

  • In the Minimum Percentage field, enter the minimum percentage needed for an agent to earn the minimum points. You must enter a percentage of 1 or greater in this field. This percentage will be an average of all points earned by an agent over a 24-hour period, which begins at the start of your day.

  • In the Timezone field, select your timezone.

  • Toggle the Enabled switch to On.

  • Click the Update button.


An example configuration is to set Maximum Points at 100, Minimum Points at 1, and Minimum Percentage at 1. That means if an agent's percentage is 1 or greater, they will earn points. In this case, if an agent received an overall percentage score of 1%, they would receive 1 point. If they received an overall percentage score of 50%, they would receive 50 points.

  • When gamification is enabled, an external metric will be created in Genesys Cloud. A metric will also be created on the Gamification Profile(s) that you selected in Step 4 above. These metrics can be viewed within thePerformance and Engagement tab within Genesys Cloud.

  • Once per hour, Mindful Feedback will update Genesys Cloud gamification metrics for any NPS, Number, or Yes/No questions that have Agent Score enabled. Agents can see their results on their leaderboard.